March 11, 2025: It's that time again
Posted by The Story Lover
Dear Readers,
While this is not a good time to be asking for money, unfortunately, we have several domain fees coming due, and finances are extremely tight. Our sites run on your donations and, unfortunately, mainly out of our own pockets. Due to the higher costs of everything our pockets are in not so great shape as wel. We are also determined to keep our sites ad-free and free of Premium Levels! However, we can only continue to do this with your help. So please click on the Donate button or this link and give what you can. Any donation, big or small, will be greatly appreciated and go a long way to keep the work of these amazing authours reachable.
TSL for the Fort Family Admins.
February 13, 2025: DSSHosting/Fort Family Community Upgrade!!!
Posted by JeffsFort
Hi Everyone!
January 3, 2025: Happy New Year
Posted by Boudreaux
What better way to start a new year than a chapter of my very oldest story of all? That's right. The Creator's Intent has been updated with Chapter 5. Hope you enjoy the new chapter and no matter what else may be going on in this crazy world, I hope you have as wonderful and peaceful a new year as you possibly can.
December 28, 2024: Chapter 4 or Art Imitates Life Imitates Art
Posted by Boudreaux
Ok, so this is probably the last chapter of this little story because I honestly just don't know where else it could go from here. If you disagree, I guess you'll just have to email your ideas. That is NOT a case of me threatening to end a story if I don't get email. I would never do that. I just think this one has run its course. Anyway, have fun reading and I hope you are all having wonderful holidays no matter which ones you celebrate.