Class Reunion

Chapter 1

Jeff hadn't gone to his ten-year class reunion.  It had been scheduled for the week that his wife was due to deliver their baby.  To be totally honest, even if he hadn't been so distracted, he still would not have attended.  He simply didn't want to go.  His fondest memories of high school were of the days he had missed.

It wasn't that he didn't have any friends in school.  There had been Renee, and of course his sweetheart from junior high, Claire.  He had a few friends in the other grades as well.  Jeff had always been a misfit, though.  He never really fit in, even with his own circle of friends, none of whom were of the socially elite.

He and Claire had never been as close as other couples.  It was Jeff's fault, but Claire never pressured him about it.  She was as good as gold.  He had called things off not long after graduation, which had devastated Claire.

At the time of the reunion, Jeff still felt a little guilty about that.  Claire had married the first complete loser to come along after her split from Jeff.  The guy was very abusive to her after they married.  Jeff had learned this from Renee. The jerk did the unthinkable two months before the reunion.  He beat Claire into a coma.  She died a week later.   Jeff was inconsolable with guilt for weeks.

Jeff's wife went livid at his reaction to Claire's death.  She seemed to think that he was upset with grief more than guilt.  She actually accused him of having an affair with Claire.  He wrote her extreme response off as a side effect of the pregnancy.  Her emotions had been somewhat out of control throughout the entire seven months.  She wouldn't let anything go that night and actually wound up throwing him out of the house at two am because he had folded the socks the wrong way.

Jeff spent the night at his former college roommate's apartment.  He had been uncomfortable with the thought of sharing the same quarters with Kyle again, but he'd had nowhere else to go.  He and Kyle got along fine, and had from the day they had met.  The problem was that Jeff had always been nervous about sleeping in the same room with another guy.  Changing clothes was even worse.

Rooming with Kyle had been torture for Jeff.  It had been worse than ninth grade gym class.  Jeff had been terrified of that class.  He was afraid of having to change and shower with other boys.  Eventually his worst nightmares came true.  He got a boner in the communal shower after class.

The other boys teased him about thinking of Claire.  Jeff wanted to die on the spot.  The kidding lasted only a few minutes fortunately, but the humiliation endured for years.  Jeff knew what he had been thinking of, and he was ashamed of himself for it.  He tried to control the wild directions his mind sometimes took, but it was impossible.  He knew from his strict religious upbringing in small southern towns that he was having sinful, wicked thoughts.  When he finished ninth grade, he thought his life would get easier.  He wouldn't have to take another gym class in high school.  Sometimes Jeff didn't think too clearly.

As you have probably guessed by now, Jeff was gay.  He wouldn't admit that, even to himself, for quite a few years though.  He couldn't admit it, because he refused to believe it.  Gay men were monsters who molested children and did sick and disgusting things to other gay men.  They were evil people who were all going to hell.

High school ended and Jeff got a job because he couldn't afford college right away.  He was afraid of dorm life as well, so his financial condition was a blessing in Jeff's eyes.  His sinful thoughts, not to mention his vividly clear wet dreams, made Jeff uncomfortable around other guys.  Living in a dorm full of them was out of the question. 

The jobs that Jeff got convinced him that the need to further his education outweighed his discomfort.  After working for a year, he had saved up enough that he could afford college.  He came home that evening after work to tell his grandmother that he wanted to use the money he had saved for his tuition, but he discovered that when the old lady had taken her nap that afternoon, she had never awakened.  It took all of his savings for her funeral, which meant that school was once again out of the question, at least for a while.

Two years after his high school graduation, he entered college as a first semester freshman.  He was hoping that he would be able to avoid the dorms based on his age and the fact that he had been living independently for the last year, but he discovered that he would have to wait another year before school policy recognized him as an adult.

Jeff moved his things into the dorm room and saw that his roommate was already settled in.  The nameplate decorating the desk informed him that he would be sharing the room with Kyle.  Jeff secretly hoped that Kyle would be a bad tempered, ugly slob.  That way he would not embarrass himself.  His luck was not that good.

Kyle Sanders was not a slob, and he was far from ugly.  He stood 5' 9" and weighed maybe 120 lbs soaking wet.  He could have passed for 16, even though he was 20, just like Jeff.  He had the most incredible eyes Jeff had ever seen.  Jeff could never quite figure out what color they were.  They seemed to change colors to suit the clothes and mood Kyle was in.  Jeff asked him about it one day about halfway through their first semester.

"Do you wear contacts?" Jeff blurted suddenly.

"No, why?" Kyle countered.

"You have the coolest eyes.  I can never decide what color they are," Jeff explained.  "It's like they switch all the time.  They just did it again! I just watched them change.  They just went from a dull gray to green."  Jeff blushed as he realized that he must sound a bit strange getting so excited over another guy's eyes.

"You know, you're only the second person to ever notice that, other than my mother," Kyle mused somewhat sadly.

"Would you like to talk about it?" Jeff offered.  "Sadness becomes despair when it's kept and peace when it's shared."  He felt rather than saw the look that Kyle gave him.  "That's just something that my grandmother used to tell me when I was a kid."

"She sounds like a smart woman," Kyle told him.

"She was," Jeff agreed.  "She died last year.  She was my only family.  That's why it took me two years to get into school.  I was ready to come last year, but I had to use my college money for her funeral.  It took me another year to save up enough again."

"Damn, I feel like a jerk now," Kyle confessed.  "I was getting bummed out over someone breaking up with me."

"You shouldn't worry about it," Jeff told him.  "I mean, don't start a guilt trip over having feelings.  Besides, your eyes look better when you are happy."  He blushed again when he realized what he had said, but he seemed to have lost control of his own mouth. 

"Are you ok?" Kyle questioned.  "I've seen you blush before, but you've never gone that red." 

Jeff got even more embarrassed to hear Kyle admit that he had seen the blushes because Jeff knew why he had turned red each time.  His thoughts were getting out of control.

"I'm fine," Jeff replied rather weakly.  "I think I just need some air."  He got up quickly and left the room.

Jeff went for a walk around the campus, but it didn't change anything.  He was noticing the little things about Kyle that most guys looked at in their girlfriends.  Normal guys didn't notice the color of their roommate's eyes.  They didn't pay attention to the way another guy drank his coffee or the certain way he held his knife and fork.  No guys that Jeff knew could tell what color their roommate looked best in.  Kyle looked absolutely terrific in red.  Kyle looked good in everything, but he had this one pair of bright red bikini underwear….

Jeff gasped as he realized what he was thinking about.  He was even more embarrassed to discover that he was getting an erection.  He practically ran for the nearest men's room.  He leaned against the stall and fought back tears of shame.  He had to get control of himself.  There had to be a way to handle this.

Jeff heard a moan echo through the bathroom.  With a pang of fear, he realized that the sound had come from him.  With a touch of fright and a lot of guilt, he looked down to see that he was rubbing himself.  He was fully erect now and his predicament was very obvious from the bulge in his pants.

Jeff knew he would have to wait for his problem to relax before he could leave the room.  He had been waiting for a couple of minutes when two guys came in.  Evidently, they were unaware of Jeff's presence in the room.  Jeff was shocked by their conversation.

"…So anyway, I told the little princess to take a hike," the one guy was saying.  "I mean he was just way too clingy.  I felt so smothered.  He actually wanted us to be exclusive to each other.  Me, be monogamous when there are so many hot men out there? Not bloody likely."

"Wait, a minute," the other voice interrupted.  "Didn't you tell me that he joined in when you brought your sister's boyfriend to campus last semester?"

"Tommy and I both had to practically beg him."  There was a pause, followed by a snort of laughter.  "He was so uptight about it; you would have thought that he was the preacher's kid instead of Tommy.  Tommy turned out to be such a slut.  He can't get enough cock.  I swear he's hornier than I am. Did I tell you that he moved in with me this semester?"

 "You are the luckiest fag I know," the other voice whined.  "I swear Haley's Comet comes more often than I do."

"Well, why don't you come over after work, tonight?" the first man offered.  "We're always up for entertaining friends, especially Tommy."

"Are you serious?" the other voice asked excitedly.

"Definitely," the original speaker answered.  "I wanted to invite you over a long time ago.  Contrary to what his royal moral highness thought, sharing doesn't mean cheating."  There was another pause as his voice became sultry and seductive.  "Fortunately for me and tonight you, too, Tommy understands that really well."

The two men walked out at that point.  Jeff was disgusted by their conversation, or was he?  He looked down to see that he was now harder than he was when he had run into the stall.  He couldn't wait forever.  He had a class in a few minutes. 

He knew he would have to clear his mind all together.  That should be simple, right?  Wrong.  No matter what he tried, the image of Kyle in the red bikinis wouldn't leave.  He shook his head, and tried to picture Claire.  He remembered how he had felt when they kissed.  That did little to help though as it was about as exciting as kissing his grandmother.

Suddenly his train of thought jumped track again.  He found himself wondering what it would feel like to kiss Kyle.  He saw the soft pink lips with their smile that could melt solid steel.  He could almost feel Kyle's arms around him.  He imagined Kyle's delicate hand touching him all over.  He arched his back and bit his tongue to keep from crying out as the most powerful orgasm he had ever experienced tore through his body even without him touching himself.

He struggled not to fall down.  It was as if his legs had turned to jelly.  He heard someone else enter the bathroom.  Jeff quickly pulled up his clothes. Just as he stepped out of the stall, his knees gave way and he stumbled.

"Jeff, man, I've been looking everywhere for you."  Jeff looked up and to his horror saw Kyle standing at a urinal.  "You don't look so good.  Let me help you to the campus health office."

Kyle turned and took a step closer to Jeff.  Jeff's eyes focused on Kyle's crotch.  His roommate's jeans were unbuttoned and unzipped.  He was wearing the red bikinis.  Jeff felt his knees weaken again, and he knew he was blushing profusely.

"Oh, shit," Kyle said with an embarrassed chuckle.  "I guess I'd better put myself back together first."  He refastened his pants and walked over to Jeff.  "Do you need me to carry you?  That's the second time you've almost fallen, and you're even redder than you were when you left the room.  You're practically gasping for breath.  I think I should take you to the emergency room, instead."

"I'm fine," Jeff protested in vain.

Kyle grabbed Jeff's hand and pulled his left arm over Kyle's shoulder.  This brought the two of them close enough that Jeff could smell Kyle's cologne.  Kyle slipped his right arm around Jeff's waist.  The contact caused a sensory overload for Jeff, making his knees go weak again.  Kyle reacted quickly and grabbed Jeff to steady him.  Unfortunately for Jeff, the only place Kyle could catch was his roommate's butt.  Jeff gasped in shock and attempted to jerk away.

"Hang on, bud," Kyle told Jeff.  "I'm going to carry you to my car and then I'm getting you to the hospital."

"No!" Jeff nearly screamed.  "I can't let you…  I mean, I don't want… You just don't understand."

"You can't afford the bill, is that it?" Kyle asked softly.  "All right, I will just take you to the campus health office, but if the nurse says you need to go, then you are going.  I will pay for it, and you can pay me back."

Jeff tried to struggle, but before he knew it, he was off the floor and in Kyle's arms.  He continued to protest for a minute or two, but gave up when it was clear that Kyle wasn't listening.  He was sure that he would die of embarrassment before they could reach the nurse's office all the way across campus.  Kyle's screaming for people to get out of the way didn't help either.

The nurse of course couldn't find anything wrong with Jeff other than a slightly accelerated heart rate.  She told him to go back to his dorm and rest.  She wrote an excuse for his professor, which Kyle took.  Kyle promised to deliver the note after he got Jeff back to the dorm room and into bed.

"Is this your…." the nurse began to ask, but Kyle cut her off.

"My roommate," he supplied firmly.

"Well, ok," she replied.  "In that case, I won't have to worry about him getting rest."  Jeff thought that Kyle blushed a bit at that statement, but he couldn't be sure, nor did he know why.

Jeff did manage to convince the nurse that he felt well enough to walk back to the dorm on his own.  Kyle agreed to this, but he hovered a few steps behind Jeff all the way.  Jeff found this to be almost as embarrassing as being carried.  He kept looking back over his shoulder, which proved to be a bad idea.  He couldn't see behind himself and watch where he was going at the same time.

Jeff stumbled over a crack in the sidewalk and Kyle lunged forward to catch him.  Jeff was pulled back tightly against his overprotective roommate.  He was suddenly aware of the bulge in Kyle's crotch.  He pressed against it, and then when he realized what he had done, Jeff pulled away quickly.  He immediately started walking again, this time a bit faster.  When they reached their dorm room, Jeff dove into his bed, clothes and all.  Kyle laughed at him.

"Just because you don't feel good, doesn't mean that you can be disgusting," Kyle told Jeff.  Jeff's eyes opened widely as he feared that Kyle had seen his erection in response to their accidental embrace.  "At least take your shoes off before you get in bed," Kyle added, still laughing.  "Are you one of those guys who become a big baby when he gets sick?"

"I'm not sick, I just don't feel good!" Jeff defended.

"That's a yes," Kyle giggled as he rolled his eyes.  "I'll go take your excuse to Professor Vanderhill.  I'll be back in a few minutes."

"I'll be here," Jeff promised.