
Chapter One

[Author’s Note: Daily, boys as young as 10 or 11 are thrown out onto the streets... just because they were caught engaging in what some people consider deviant behavior. Many of these boys are merely experimenting, which happens in about 90% of tween and adolescent males. This story examines some hard truths. Having been in that position personally, I can see how the scenes portrayed in this story can actually happen. This story is fiction. Whereas some characters are based on people I knew, the characters themselves are fictional and have no connection to anyone living or dead.]


The morning was colder than he’d expected. This was California and it wasn’t supposed to be cold in California during the summertime. He’d been up all night, wandering the streets. He wrapped his jacket tightly around himself and sat on the step of a shop as people walked by, not even noticing him, as if he wasn’t there.

He tried to think how long he’d been on the streets, was it four or five days now? His stomach rumbled, reminding him it had been more than a day since he’d eaten. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a one-dollar bill and a couple of quarters, noticing that was all he had left.

He got up and walked into a nearby convenience store. The clerk watched him closely as he looked at what he might afford. He was trying to make up his mind when the clerk yelled at him, "Either buy something or get the hell out! We don’t like you street kids in here, it scares away the customers!"

He looked at the clerk, quickly grabbed a package of Twinkies, paid and left. He was now out of cash. As he walked out of the store, simultaneously scarfing down the Twinkies, he saw another boy about his age, or so he thought. The boy seemed to look at him… directly at him.

They stared at each other for what seemed like minutes, but in reality was only a few seconds, when the boy across the street started walking in his direction. For some reason, he ignored his first thought, which was to run away, and stood there as the boy approached.

He took note of the kid. About his height, dark brown eyes, brown hair which looked like it hadn’t been washed in a few days. His clothes weren’t badly soiled, but they looked fairly well ‘used’. There was a tear in his blue jeans just over the knee on the boy’s right side. His shirt looked about two sizes too large and was slightly down on his left shoulder, away from his neck. His nose was perfect on his face, his smile… inviting.

"Cold out this morning, ain’t it?" The mystery boy asked.

"Yeah, I guess," he replied, knowing to keep his answers short.

"I’m Trey," he announced, offering his hand.

"Um, I’m Blaze," he returned, quietly. He felt afraid to shake the boy’s hand.

"Is that all you’re gonna eat, Blaze? Not a good breakfast," Trey inquired.

"Don’t have any more money," was Blaze’s reply.

"Come on, I’ll get you something to eat."

"What do you want in return?" Blaze asked, concerned if he was being led into something.

Trey looked at Blaze, sizing him up. "Let me guess, you haven’t been out on the streets for long, have you?"

Blaze tried to figure Trey out, finally deciding to trust him, "About five days."

"Come on, I’ll get you fed and we can talk. No strings attached. Fair?" Trey offered again.

Blaze’s stomach growled again, he weighed his impressions of the boy and finally, he relented. "Okay, I guess."

The two of them walked down the street, with Trey leading Blaze to a diner. He opened the door and the pair entered. As Trey led Blaze to the counter, the waitress looked over and said, "Found another stray, huh Trey?"

"He’s pretty fresh, but we’ll get him sorted out."

They sat at the counter; the waitress came over and asked if he’d like some orange juice. Blaze looked over at Trey who said, "It’s on me, so have whatever you want." When Blaze didn’t respond, he looked at the waitress and said, "Two OJs and two glasses of milk. Bacon, eggs, and hash browns with white toast for me, what about you, Blaze? Same?" Blaze merely nodded. The waitress left to get their drinks and put in their order.

Blaze looked around the restaurant. The walls were painted green, about the same shade as a key lime pie, looking not all that clean. The ceiling was white with fans placed to provide light to the entire dining room. The room wasn’t that big. There were three booths along the window in front, and four tables in the center. The counter held six seats. It’s once white Formica top displayed years of use. The seats in front of the counter were red vinyl, cracked and torn with silver duct tape holding them together. Looking at the clock, he was surprised it was only seven in the morning. Other than Trey and himself, there was only one other customer in the place, an older man sitting in one of the booths drinking coffee.

Blaze turned back to Trey who had been watching him. In a shy, quiet voice he said, "Thanks."

"No problem. So, why are you on the streets?"

Blaze figured this question was coming. It wasn’t something he wanted to tell, so he remained silent.

"Well, we can get back to that. How old are you? I’m 13," Trey inquired.

Blaze looked at Trey and the feeling of mistrust he had earlier seemed to vanish. "I’ll be 13 in…" he paused as if counting, "six days."

"Well then, early Happy Birthday," Trey responded causing Blaze to smile.

They talked about inconsequential matters; Trey avoided trying to be too probing in his questions. He didn’t want his new acquaintance to feel uncomfortable.

The waitress brought their food over and Blaze tucked into it like someone was going to take it away.

"Whoa there, you don’t have to eat so fast... enjoy it, nobody’s going to take it from you!" Trey said with a bit of mirth in his voice.

Embarrassed, Blaze slowed his eating down. He glanced over at Trey as he ate and a smile came to both boy’s faces, as if a connection had been made.

They finished their breakfast and the waitress put their check on the counter between the two, face up. The bill came to $9.93, Trey reached into his pocket and pulled out some cash. To Blaze, it seemed like a lot of cash. He took a $10 bill and a $5 bill and laid it on top of the check before looking up at the waitress. "Thanks Donna!" Trey said, motioning Blaze to follow him out of the restaurant.

As they were leaving, Blaze noticed the guy in the booth watching… him.

They walked together to a park a few blocks down. Trey led him to a bench at the back of the park where it couldn’t be seen from the street. He sat and patted the bench next to him for Blaze to sit.

Blaze looked over at Trey, "I guess I owe you an answer to the question you asked before."

Trey looked at him and said, "Nah, you don't have to tell me, but let me guess. Either your dad or your mom caught you doing ‘stuff’ with another boy and threw you out." He used his fingers to draw the quotes in the air.

Blaze looked at him in wonder, "How did you know?"

"Dude, it happens a lot. I’ve been on the streets since I was eleven. Dad caught me with our 14-year-old neighbor, his dick all the way up my butt. He threw me out right then and there. I had to scramble to even grab some clothes or he would have tossed me out buck naked."

"Wow, eleven? I don’t have a dad, but Mom caught me and my best friend sucking each other. She was so pissed. She yelled that she wouldn’t have a faggot for a son and told me to get the hell out. Then she stormed out of my room, went into hers and slammed the door. My friend was crying; he was so scared my mom would tell his mom. I told him that she didn’t even know his name."

Trey listened while Blaze told his story. He was noticing how cute the twelve-, almost thirteen-year-old was. He had curly, sorta dirty-blond hair that seemed to glow if the sun hit it just right. His eyes were bluer than the sky. He had long lashes which accentuated his eyes. His lips were rosy red and Trey was getting a little turned on as Blaze licked his lips periodically as he talked.

"Um, Trey, can I ask you a question?" Blaze asked sheepishly.

"Well, you just did! But… go ahead," Trey laughed.

It took a moment for Blaze to realize what Trey meant, but when the penny dropped, he couldn’t help but laugh a little. After a moment he asked, "How did you get all that money?"

"Well, I’ll tell you. On the street there are only a few ways to make cash; you can try to find someone who will let you work for it, you know, like a real job or you can hook up with one of the drug dealers and ‘carry’ drugs for him. You can steal stuff and sell it, or you can sell yourself... you know, have sex for money."

Trey paused for a moment as Blaze absorbed what he’d been told before he continued, "First off, at our age, it’s hard to get people to hire you to work, so that’s pretty much out. The drug dealers, well, that’s just a bad scene, okay? Personally, I won’t steal, it just doesn’t seem right to me."

Trey stopped there while Blaze thought, then realized Trey was actually telling him he sold his body to make money to live.

Blaze’s eyes got big and he asked, "Like who?"

"Well, some guys work the Boulevard. They get older guys who drive by and hire them. I don’t. Honestly, there are young 14 to 18 who sometimes need help, if you know what I mean. So, I usually hang around the park during the summer and guys will show up."

Blaze took this in and thought. He wondered what it would be like, what he’d have to do. He liked what he and his friend had done and in his mind, he knew he was gay. He just wasn’t sure he was ready to get fucked. He looked at Trey and asked, "So, what do you do with them?"

Trey looked at Blaze and knew he was trying to figure out things for himself. "Well, if a guy just wants a hand-job I’ll give him one for ten bucks. If he wants me to give him a beejay, that’s $20, if he wants to give me a beejay, and you’d be surprised how many ‘straight’ guys like sucking young dick, I let them do that at no extra charge."

"Do you let guys fuck you?" Blaze asked, noticing for the first time that he was hard as a rock in his pants.

"No, to me, that’s one thing I want to save for someone special, someone who I love and who loves me," Trey responded.

Blaze needed to change the subject. He was getting nervous again. "Um, where do you sleep?"

"Well, there are a few places you can go. There’s the shelter at The Gay Center, but that’s not the best, they always try to hook you into going back home, or calling child services. A few of us pool our money and rent a room at one of the motels that don’t ask questions. It usually winds up costing us about $10 each a night."

Blaze thought about it and made a decision, "Do you have a room now? I’d kinda like to clean up a bit. It’s been five days since I had a shower."

Trey smiled, "As a matter of fact, I do. I couldn’t find the other guys last night, and I had a good day, so I rented a room on my own for two nights. Let’s go!"

The two walked together, Trey leading until they came to a motel. It didn’t look all that nice, but Blaze figured what else could he expect? He led him to a room at the end of the building. The door was made of metal and was painted beige. The number on the room was 46, but the number six was only held on by one nail on the bottom and was hanging upside down, looking like a nine. Trey used his key and opened the door, holding it open for Blaze to enter, then followed him, closed the door, and turned the deadbolt.

Blaze was just standing there, a little nervous, so Trey walked over and gave him a hug. Blaze melted into the embrace and he couldn’t help himself. He began to cry into Trey’s shoulder. Trey just held him and let him get it out, patting the younger boy on the back. He whispered into the boy’s ear that everything would work out.

After a few minutes, Blaze composed himself and apologized, "Sorry, I bet you think I’m just a big baby." He was embarrassed.

Trey wiped Blaze’s tears and said, "Don’t worry about it, I know exactly how you feel. You were thrown out of your home by the one person who was supposed to love you no matter what. And... to be honest... I kinda liked holding you."

Blaze blushed as he said, "I kinda liked you holding me."

They stood there staring at each other for some time before Blaze leaned over and gave Trey a chaste kiss on his lips. He pulled back and blushed again.

Trey smiled at him and said, "I think you need to learn how to kiss."

They both laughed at that.

Trey asked, "Do you want to shower now?"

Blaze blushed again and said, "I guess, but I don’t have anything clean to wear."

Trey told him to give him his clothes and he’d wash them. In the meantime, he could just climb into the bed under the covers once he’s showered and dried himself. Normally, Blaze would have been embarrassed, but he realized if he was going to survive on the streets, eventually someone was going to see him naked, so why shouldn’t Trey be the first? Blaze removed his jacket, then his shirt, as Trey watched him with a smile on his face.

He then slipped off his shoes, sat on the bed and removed his socks. Trey was looking at his feet. "You have nice feet, Blaze," Trey said.

Blaze thought it kinda odd but he smiled anyway. He stood again and hesitated. He looked at Trey and figured the boy had been so cool so far, it wasn’t a big deal. He pulled off his jeans and stood in just his briefs. He was hard as a rock.

"Dude, for your age your dick seems to be pretty good size. Pull off your undies and let me look… please," Trey said in a lusty voice.

Blaze swallowed, then hooked his fingers into the waistband of his briefs and lowered them, exposing his cut, hard, nearly five inches, with just a slight tuft of blond hair above it. His balls were dropped and despite the cold outdoors, hung in their sack.

Trey looked at the younger boy and was amazed. "Oh my God, you’re beautiful!" he exclaimed.

Blaze blushed again but didn’t know what to say. He turned and headed to the bathroom for his shower. Trey took a good look at the firm mounds of the boy’s glutes. Looking at this perfect specimen caused his own erection to grow to the point where it was nearly painful. As he heard the shower turning on, he grabbed Blaze’s clothes, taking a moment to sniff the front of the boy’s briefs, basking in the aroma of Blaze.

As Blaze cleaned up, Trey went to the laundry across the street, approached the ‘fluff & fold’ counter and asked how much to have the clothes laundered and ready within two hours. The man told him it would cost extra for the rush, $10. Trey paid in advance, took the laundry ticket and returned to the room.

Blaze was just stepping out of the bathroom, toweling his hair. He didn’t realize Trey would be back already. His penis was still at half-mast. He looked at Trey who stared back into his eyes.

Without hesitating, Trey began to disrobe. Blaze followed Trey’s actions with his eyes, his half-mast went to full-mast almost immediately as he watched. When Trey was fully nude, Blaze looked at him. His penis, fully erect, was slightly larger in both length and girth, but Blaze figured since Trey was a year older, that made sense. He had a lot more hair about and around his dick than Blaze for the same reason. Blaze noticed that Trey even had a few hairs in his armpits, something that had yet to appear in his own.

Without a word being spoken, the two closed the gap between themselves, wrapping their arms around one another, their hard-ons pressed together. Trey tilted his head and pressed his lips to Blaze’s. They kissed for a few moments when Blaze felt Trey’s tongue licking his lips. Instinctively, or possibly he was just surprised, Blaze parted his lips and opened his jaw slightly and felt Trey’s tongue in his own mouth.

Suddenly, he felt as if everything was right in the world. Blaze returned the kiss and as their passions grew, their hands roamed each other’s body. They broke the kiss and Trey said, "Well, you’re a fast learner! That was amazing!"

"Yeah, it was. That was my first kiss, by the way," Blaze blushed again.

"You know, that blush is totally cute. I love it," Trey responded, causing Blaze to blush once again.

The two moved over to the bed, and laid there just holding one another, kissing, and caressing each other’s body.

Trey got quiet for a moment and looked Blaze deeply in his eyes. In a quiet voice he asked, "Blaze, is it okay if I suck you?"

Blaze grinned and replied, "Only if I can do you, too."

Trey moved into a classic, on-your-side, 69 position. Blaze got the opportunity to really examine Trey’s penis and balls, and he liked what he saw. With a little hesitation, he licked the head of Trey’s boner, causing the older boy to gasp slightly. Blaze then took the head into his mouth and slowly moved down. He was only able to get about half of it in his mouth without gagging so he took his hand and grabbed the base and stroked it as he bobbed his head on the other half.

Simultaneously, Trey took Blaze’s erection into his own mouth. Being far more experienced, he could take Blaze’s full length. They blew each other, fondling each other’s balls.

Trey could feel that Blaze was near the point of no return. He felt the younger boy’s balls retract close to his body, his penis stiffened and expanded in his mouth. He pulled back so only the head was in his mouth, hoping the boy could ejaculate. He stroked Blaze as he tongued the head. Blaze’s orgasm hit in force and a single squirt of watery cum entered Trey’s mouth.

This pushed Trey over the edged and he force. Blaze had trouble keeping up with the geyser, swallowing as much as he could, but when he was finished he had cum dripping down his chin.

Trey then turned and started licking his own cum from Blaze’s chin. He looked at Blaze and said, "Your cum tasted sweet."

Blaze’s eyes got big and he said, "My cum? You mean I actually squirted?"

"Was it the first time you ever squirted?" Trey asked, pleasantly surprised.

"I guess. I’ve never squirted before," Blaze was proud of himself.

They held each other, not saying anything. Eventually, Blaze fell asleep.


I look forward to hearing from you as to how you liked this chapter. You may reach me via email at TrueFan. If you enjoy my work, please consider contriubuting to my GoFundMe campaign at True's GoFundMe.