Priorities - Book Two

Chapter Sixteen: (Celebrations Part 3)

*** ~~~ Trevor ~~~ ***

"I hereby declare this adoption final. Ladies and Gentlemen, please allow me to be the first to introduce to you, Master Malcolm Radcliffe!" The Judge proclaimed with a huge smile on his face.

As we were leaving, I gave Malcolm a hug. "We're going to see you tonight at the New Year's Eve party, right?"

"You bet! Thank you, Trevor. If it weren't for you I wouldn't have met my new family." He said with a tear falling, then wrapped me in another hug accompanied by a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey! Stop trying to molest my brother! You already have a boyfriend!" Garrett said with a laugh before getting a slug in the arm by his boyfriend, Eric.

We left and headed home to get ready for the party. Roger, Nigel, Alex and I headed up to our rooms. I can't say what happened in Nigel and Alex's room, but I can say that Roger and I spent the next several hours on our bed. We did skype with the Bolt family in Cody, WY, for a few minutes to wish them a Happy New Year, but for the rest of the time, I will just say we weren't sleeping.

The party started about nine in the evening. When Roger and I got downstairs we found Malcolm and Nigel trying to sneak glasses of champagne. When they 'scored' it was funny to see them when they realized that the champagne won't be served until just before midnight. What they were 'sneaking' was glasses of sparkling apple cider.

We made the rounds being good hosts, visiting with each of our guests. Seeing Nigel trying to stay awake with over thirty minutes to go to midnight was comical. He'd start nodding off and Malcolm would shake him. Alex was spending a lot of time with Eric and Garrett. I think they're becoming pretty good friends.

At five minutes 'til midnight, I brought over a small glass of Champagne for Nigel and Malcolm. Nigel, of course, complained that he only got ¼ of a glass, but didn't make too much of it. The countdown commenced and finally 2015 was history. I was really looking forward to 2016.

Not a whole lot happened over the next several months. My birthday was coming on April 21; I was going to be 14. Nobody would tell me anything other than we were going to have a party.

About an hour into the party I noticed Nigel and Alex talking to someone I didn't recognize. As I was looking at them, Malcolm came up to me.

"You look a little upset, Mal. What's wrong?" I asked the sulking boy.

"Nigel's over there talking to that Ryan something-or-other, he's a Federal Judge." He averred.

"Well, I'm sure he'll be done soon," I started saying, then I got a chirp on my phone saying I had a Skype message. I looked and saw it was from Patrick, so I excused myself to go up to my room to be able to talk to him in a quiet environment.

He answered my Skype call with, "Happy Birthday, Trevor!"

"Hi Patrick, thanks."

"So, where's Roger, and where are Nigel and Alex?" Patrick asked.

"Roger's talking with two friends from school, and Nigel and Alex are talking to some Federal Judge named Ryan."

"Ryan Sprayberry is Jackson's husband." He replied.

"Now that I know his last name it makes more sense. Okay, thanks, I need to remember to greet him. So, what's new in your life?" I talked to him for a few minutes. At one point the rest of the Bolt family joined in, so they were able to wish me a Happy Birthday as well. As I brought the call to a close I asked him to give Scott a kiss and that I had to get back to the party.

I went downstairs and found Alex and Nigel talking with Judge Sprayberry. When he noticed me he said, "Happy Birthday, Trevor. I'm Ryan Sprayberry, I don't think we've met, but I know a bit about you."

"Thank you, Judge Sprayberry. I'll admit I wondered who you were, but I just got off Skype with Patrick Bolt and he told me; thank you for coming to my party."

"I was in town hearing the case of a couple who were denied adoption simply because of their sexuality. I am really glad I agreed to attend when a friend of your Dad's invited me. I have been having a great conversation with Alex and Nigel here. They've told me a lot about how you've pretty much adopted them. I have to say though, I'd definitely give your case a fair hearing if it were denied!"

I laughed at his joke then told him I hoped he enjoyed the party and to please say hello to Jackson when he spoke to him next.

After the party, at about 2 o'clock in the morning, Roger and I went to our room. Once the door was closed he almost attacked me. Clothes went flying and he did his best to make this the best birthday ever. He asked me if there was anything I'd like to do and I said, "Actually, I'd like to tie you up and ravage you." The look in his eye was one I'd rather not see again. "You do know I was kidding right? I want to ravage you but I don't think I'd need to tie you up for that to happen."

Roger and I spent the next several hours with me ravaging him and us showing each other how well we 'fit' with each other.

Over the next few weeks, things progressed with the selection of the recipients of the Academy scholarships. Being that Daddy is headmaster neither Roger nor I felt it would be right to sit on the committee. Malcolm, now that he was a student at the academy who hadn't come from a 'privileged' background, was selected as the 'straight' student representative. A thirteen-year-old boy named Reggie was voted to be the Alliance's representative.

By the end of the second week of May, the list of candidates for the twelve scholarships was narrowed down to sixteen. During dinner, Daddy was unsure how to decide who was to be cut. I asked him if it wouldn't be possible to accept them  all.

"The problem is, Trevor, other than the financial aspect, it would create a problem of class size. All of those we are considering would be joining the 8th grade classes in the fall. We try to keep the class sizes to no more than twenty in a class. By adding twelve we would be adding a third 8th grade class to facilitate the forty-six new students we would have had join for a total of fifty-eight. Four additional would mean that at least one class would have more students. I also specifically told the secretaries that these new students are not under any circumstances to be segregated."

I looked at him and he must have realized how lame his excuse sounded. Two of the three classes would exceed the 'maximum' by only one student, or one with two. He then said, "I see your point. The opportunity afforded these boys far outweighs the detriments."

"Also, Daddy; as to the financial aspect, I am willing to pay whatever exceeds what the fund has for these scholarships to allow all four to attend the Academy for the full five years until they graduate." Daddy looked funny at me but nodded his head.

"That's exceedingly generous of you, Trevor. I know you have the money, and I can't think of a reason to advise you to do differently. I will let the committee know that we have a donor for the additional four students. For now, we'll keep your identity secret."

It occurred to me that Patrick Bolt's birthday was the following day. He had already asked me not to send him a gift, a request I had no intention of honoring, by the way; I'd already purchased and mailed his gift. But, I thought I'd allow him to think I'd forgotten his birthday. However, his Dad, Jim Bolt had other ideas.

It seemed Jim and Zac have decided that Patrick is responsible enough for his first smart phone. As I was talking to Jim I realized I'd missed his birthday. "Belated Happy Birthday, by the way, Jim. I hope it was a good one."

"It was fine, other than what happened since. We were at school and a guy had been trying to bully me a little. He'd been making lewd remarks and trying to get me to have sexual relations with him. I blew him off, but in actuality I really just refused to blow him. The next day he came back during lunch with a gun. He fired at me but Chris, our brother, pushed me out of the way and took the bullet. He's in the hospital."

"Oh No!" Roger exclaimed. "Is he alright?"

"He'll be fine, thankfully. But Patrick was very upset and even wanted to postpone his party. Anyway, I need to wrap this present up. I wanted to open a Skype call so when Patrick opens it you're there. I will text message you when he's about to open it," Jim averred.

Jim wrapped up the package and it was dark! Roger looked at me and said, "You know what we could do in the dark like this?"

I laughed and said, "I don't think Patrick would mind, but he's at a party. I don't think you want to potentially show everyone there how cute your dick is, or mine for that matter." Roger was kissing me when I got a text message from Jim that Patrick was about to open it.

We saw the screen begin to lighten. As Patrick took the phone out of the box we saw him checking out the phone. When he noticed that Skype was open he asked, "Dad, is that you?"

Patrick was looking, we assumed, at Jim. I spoke up at that point, "Nope, it's not him, but he did
start the video chat with us right before wrapping it up.  It was dark in that box!"

Patrick looked at the phone, "Trevor and Roger, I was hoping to hear from you two."

Patrick looked happy, "Thanks Papa and Dad. I promise not to let you down." Then he looked at the phone, "Want to see everyone that showed up?"

"Sure, that would be cool."

Patrick started scanning the room with his new phone until he heard Roger say, "Slow down, you're making me dizzy!" Patrick chuckled but slowed down.

Scott's face appeared in the phone, that boy is seriously cute! He said, 'Hi' then I asked Patrick if he'd received our present yet; he told me that they left home before the mail came.

Jackson presented Dad and Daddy's present to Jim and Zac; then Heather, Patrick's grandmother, explained about Grandpa and her setting up a foundation for the ranch. As the party started to wind down, I tried to tell Patrick that we hoped Chris recovered quickly but he interrupted me right after I'd said, 'Please tell Chris.'

"I'm planning to Skype you there, so you can tell him yourself, OK?"

Roger and I agreed, "Yeah, that would be awesome." We then ended the Skype call.

Roger and I went to talk to Dad and Daddy. We explained to them what had happened to Chris and they asked that we pass on their good wishes for his recovery and asked us to make sure they knew that if he needed anything they were to contact us.

Roger and I went back to our room to wait for the Skype call from Patrick. As we waited we discussed what it really meant to be a hero. Chris Archer definitely qualified in our book.

Patrick's call came shortly thereafter. Both Roger and I answered, "Hey Chris. You're looking good for someone who was shot. The way Patrick explained it, you are a hero." I looked over at Roger who had noticed little Jake in the bed cuddling up to his uncle.

Chris argued, "I was just protecting my brother."

I explained, "I learned in school that a true hero is one willing to risk their life to protect another, unlike the so-called sports heroes."

Roger agreed, "Yeah, whose life are they saving and how are they risking their lives? Those in the military, police and firefighters are heroes. Those who push their brother out of the way of a gun, are heroes."

Chris laughed before stating, "As I said, I'm not really a hero, I was just being a brother.  I
like you Roger and am glad that Patrick has you as a friend.  I wish you and Trevor a long and happy life together."

"Thanks, Chris. Dad and Daddy said to wish you a speedy recovery. Roger and I already planned to, so that's from all four of us." I was certain that they already knew that we'd help them if they needed it so I didn't pass on that message.

We ended the call at that point to allow the Bolt/Archer family to visit with Chris.

On the first of June, we received another call from Patrick. It seems that he has a new cousin. The boy's name is Eric and from the picture we were sent he is a real cutie. I am sure we'll get a chance to talk to him at some point.

In the middle of June, Grandpa came to tell us that he'd just made arrangements for Dad and Daddy to get married in the 'big' ceremony Daddy wanted. In light of the friendship we've been developing with those in Cody, Grandpa had booked the ranch that Jim and Zac, along with a few others, purchased from Jackson. I was so excited when I heard we were going to go there in the middle of July and wouldn't leave for almost a month in time to get back before school started again.

Dad and Daddy were going to go on their honeymoon and Grandpa, Roger, Nigel and Alex would travel with us and spend that month there with the Bolt family. I started a Skype call to inform Patrick about it and when he answered, we found out that Eric was in the room, but was hiding because he was a little skittish. Patrick had been working on 'something' with him, and from the sounds of it, he was trying to figure out who he liked, boys or girls… or possibly both. I shocked him a bit when I made mention of the fact that I thought he was cute!

It seemed he'd forgotten the picture that Patrick had sent us. Once he realized it, he moved so he could be seen on camera. Patrick had told him how we 'helped him' which was further confirmation of what they had been discussing. He was definitely cuter 'live' than in a photo. We chatted a few minutes about what we might be able to do while we were there and ended the call.

The next couple of weeks were hectic getting everything ready for the wedding. Near the end of June, Zac messaged me saying that they were going to be going to Mt. Rushmore. I stated that the monument was less than a half-hour drive and invited them to stay with us. Zac had other ideas.

It was arranged that I would not reply to any message about it from Patrick. If it came down to it tell him that we had plans for that period of time. The idea was that we would be messaged when and where they would be having dinner on the night of their arrival and we would just happen to show up there.

The plan in place it was agreed that Grandpa would take us to dinner and the following days either Dad, Daddy, or both would take Roger and I for the tours.

We received a text from Zac that about 6pm they'd be at the Dakota Cowboy for dinner. When I told Grandpa where we'd be dining he complimented Zac on his choice of restaurant. Grandpa said that the Cowboy was probably the best restaurant in that area.

We arrived just after six. The hostess said that the rest of our party was already seated and pointed to where they were. I recognized Jim and Zac, I recognized Scott and Roger pointed excitedly at Jake. Patrick however, was not at the table. We waited where we could not be seen until Patrick returned. He finally took his seat; Roger and I went up behind Patrick and Scott, reached around and covered their eyes. I said to Patrick, "Guess Who?"

You know what he did? He said, "OK, are you Jaden Dusky?"


"OOOO," Scott moaned, "If Jaden is covering your eyes, would that make Seth covering my eyes?"

"Who?" I asked.

Patrick chuckled, "Jaden's the younger brother of Seth Dusky. Seth was really cute when he was young, and now that he's almost eighteen, he is really cute. Almost as cute as Scott." Patrick put a strong emphasis on the last "really."

Scott chuckled, "Nice save, Babe."

Patrick grinned, "Well no one is as cute as you, especially not Trevor."

"HEY!!!" I exclaimed.

After receiving a hug from Patrick, we sat down to dinner. Roger spent almost all of his time talking to Jake. One day, Roger will make a great Papa.

After dinner, we said goodbye and arranged that we would meet them at their hotel in the morning.

Grandpa took us home and I told Daddy (Dad was already asleep) all about what happened at dinner. I was excited to go see Mount Rushmore. I've lived so close for almost all my life and the only way I saw it was in pictures.

Roger and I went upstairs, undressed, and hopped into my bed. I was so excited about the next couple of days even Roger being frisky didn't work… and it always works!

The next morning, I was up very early. I went downstairs and found Ange already in the kitchen. I am glad I remembered to put 'something' on; even though with Robert and Ricky, I'm sure she's seen more than she needed or probably wanted to see.

Finally, at about 8am, everyone was up. Ange gave us a nice breakfast, then Roger, Dad, Daddy and I hopped into Dad's car and we headed off to meet the Bolts. When we arrived, Dad suggested that Roger and I head upstairs and they'll wait in the lobby.

*** ~~~ Bobby ~~~ ***

It's hard to believe it's less than a month until the wedding. We're already married so this is all for Nick. I love him so much it hurts sometimes. Having Trevor and now Roger almost full-time proved to me that I needed to have a child in the house. I turned to my husband and asked, "So, do you have everything set-up for the big surprise for Trevor and Roger?

"All the arrangements are made except one, and I think after this tour would be a good time to discuss it with him." Nick suggested.

"That works for me, I'll talk to Trevor, you talk to Roger, okay?"

He agreed and it was time we concluded our little 'private' meeting.

*** ~~~ Trevor ~~~ ***

When we got upstairs I saw Jake and Austin still asleep on the cot. Those two are so cute together. I'm pretty sure Jake is straight as a desert road, but Austin sends out some mixed signals… or at least he did at dinner last night.

The surprise came when I saw another boy. One that wasn't at dinner, and I didn't recognize. What I did notice was the fact that he was really cute. He looked to be about the same age as me and Patrick introduced him as Phoenix Blaze. A very prophetic naming--the boy was freaking hot! I'm sure you all know the legend of Der Phoenix. At this point Patrick got excited, "Trevor, this is Phoenix. Guess when his birthday is."

"I'm going to guess the same as mine since you asked like that, April 21st. It's nice to meet you, Phoenix."

Phoenix shook my hand as Patrick explained, "And he just turned fourteen, so he's the same age as you. Dad and Papa are hoping to be able to take him with us when we go back to Cody."

Over the next couple of days, the Bolt family, plus Phoenix, along with Daddy, Dad, Roger and I went touring around Mount Rushmore. It was the last thing we studied in History class before  summer break. Roger is always telling me he's impressed by my apparent photographic memory so remembering little facts to tell the Bolts wasn't much effort on my part, but they seemed impressed.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. The positive part was that we'd be seeing them again in less than a month when we're all in Cody. I really felt sorry for Phoenix though. He'd become very attached to the Bolts, especially Jim, over the past couple of days. I assured Phoenix that we will do everything we can to expedite his being able to move to the new Boys' Home in Cody. In the meantime, he will stay with us.

Both Roger and I tried to keep his mind off things on the short drive to the house. When we arrived you could tell he was surprised by the size of the house. We brought him inside and gave him a little tour. Even though we hired Ange to cover for Daddy while he was working, we decided that we'd keep her on during the summer months. When we got home she was in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

I took him outside to show him the pool and totally forgot the fact that most likely, if Ange is around, Jacques and Robert would be as well. I wasn't surprised when I found the two of them plus Ricky in the pool, poor Phoenix's eyes bugged out when the three hopped out of the pool to greet us; they were all naked as the day they were born!

"I'm sorry, Phoenix. I completely forgot they might be out here or I'd have had Roger check before we came outside." I apologized.

"But… they're naked." He said, still staring at the three younger boys.

"Yeah, other than Ange, we're all guys here. Robert and Jacques are her sons, and Ricky is Robert's boyfriend. When we swim, or use the hot tub, we're usually naked, but we have a firm rule that if nudity offends or even bothers anyone then suits are mandatory."

"You mean, you go naked too?" He asked.

"Roger and I, and my parents as well. But, as I said, if you'd rather not, nobody will. We never force the issue on someone; please don't think you have to, and please don't say it's okay if it's not. Fair?"

"Yeah, thanks."

"Now, it looks like you don't have very many clothes other than what you're wearing, so why don't you, Roger and I go do some shopping. Grandpa is supposed to be here in a little bit and he can drive us."

"But, I don't have any money." Phoenix declared.

"Let's just call it a belated birthday present. Please let me do this for you, Phoenix." Trevor  pleaded.

Fifteen minutes later, Grandpa arrived and was introduced to Phoenix. "Nice to meet you, Phoenix. I've been in touch with some people here and we have a meeting with Mrs. Granger at the orphanage tomorrow. Why don't we head to the mall and get you outfitted?"

Shaking Grandpa's hand, Phoenix stated, with a tear running down his cheek and a smile on his face, "It's nice to meet you too, Sir. Thank you for your help."

We had a good time shopping. As we were finishing, we took everything to pay for it and when Phoenix saw the total at just about $1,000, he said, "Wow, that's a king's fortune. I'd ask if you could afford that, but I saw the house. Can I ask just how rich are you, exactly?"

I laughed and said, "Well, it's nowhere near this King's fortune. I don't like to be boastful, so I'll say it this way; The King Family is worth more than many small countries. My personal net is upward of $90 million."

"Holy crap! I figured you guys were pretty well off, but that's… way more than I thought it might be. The cool part is, you don't act like you have that much. You're down to earth. You use your money to help people. That's really cool. I'm glad we're going to be friends, Trevor."

"Roger and I love the idea of us being good friends, don't you Rog?"

"Well, if he's going to be connected to the Bolts, they're almost like family, so…" Roger replied.

We met Grandpa at the mall food court. He was talking to a man who ran one of the franchises there. It seems Grandpa was looking at becoming a partner with one of them. We grabbed a bite to eat while Grandpa finished his business. During our snack I asked Phoenix, "So, when we get back we're thinking of going into the hot tub, would you like to join us?"

"Um… you mean naked?" Phoenix asked with a blush.

"Well, that would be totally up to you. If you're at all uncomfortable, we can wear suits. Please, don't just agree because you want to just go along."

"Honestly, I don't mind if it's just us, but I think I'd feel a little embarrassed if your parents were there." Phoenix replied.

"I can ask Dad and Daddy not to join us tonight. That's not a problem, or we can just wear suits."

"Yeah, if it's just us, I don't mind. But if they want to join us, I'd rather everyone wore a suit… at least for now."

Grandpa finished his business having bought a 25% share in seven of the eleven outlets in the food court. When Grandpa goes into something he doesn't go in halfway. We headed back home and once we'd arrived I helped Phoenix unpack his new clothes. As we were unpacking he asked, "Trevor, can I ask you a personal question?"

"Sure, go ahead. If it's something I'd rather not say, I'll let you know."

"Um, I know I'm gay, but I haven't done a lot. What's it like?" He asked, blushing.

"Well, if you are asking what it feels like to have anal sex, I'll be honest. It can be painful initially. There are ways to make it less so, but it's usually uncomfortable at first. Roger and I were so in love our first time that I experienced very little pain when he penetrated me and it only lasted a few minutes. He told me he felt none and honestly, I'm a little bigger than he is, but not by much."

"I really want to thank you, Trevor. You're proven to be more than a friend." He then hugged me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Phoenix, as far as I'm concerned, you're family. I will always be there to help you whenever I can. That goes for while you're here, while you're at the Boys' Home, or once you're adopted, as I'm sure you will be."

I could tell he was getting a little choked up so I said, "Are you ready to head to the hot tub? Roger is taking care of making sure Dad and Daddy leave it to us tonight."

"Um, I guess." He replied.

"So, do we need to get our suits on?" I asked.

"No, I think it'll be okay if it's just us." Phoenix said, and I could tell he was being sincere about it. I figured no time like the present and started undressing.

He looked like he wanted to say something but didn't. When I was totally naked he took a good look and said, "My God, you're beautiful."

"You're not so bad yourself, bro. I'll meet you downstairs." I was about to head out when he called me.

"Um, Trevor? I hope I find someone as nice as you to be my boyfriend. Roger is one lucky boy."

"Phoenix, I'm the lucky one. Roger is more than my boyfriend; he's been my closest friend since I was four years old. You will find the right person; I am sure of that. Just remember, that true love cannot be stopped. You need to be careful though, don't just jump into a relationship. Be smart about it, get to know each other. The best advice I can give you is something that I really learned back in November. Talk to each other. Daddy told me that relationships require openness between the partners. Secrets kill relationships."

I left him with another hug before I left to find Roger. He was on our bed. I walked in, naked, and he jokingly said, "You cheating on me with Phoenix?"

"No, I thought we were going to the hot tub so I figured I'd just get ready."

"Well, Dad and Daddy agreed to let us have it tonight so they're in there for another half an hour."

"Well, in that case…" I hopped up onto the bed and Roger and I started making out. We kissed for a while but things heated up. Roger rolled over putting me underneath him. He slid down and took me into his mouth. I didn't realize I'd forgotten to close our door until I heard, "Oh my God! I'm sorry!"

Phoenix stood there in our doorway, fully naked. He was turning all different shades of red. I apologized to him telling him I should have closed my door.

"No, what I was watching was beautiful. I was just not expecting to walk in on it. You two really love each other, don't you?"

"More than life itself, Phoenix." Roger replied.

"So, are we going into the hot tub?" He asked.

"Dad and Daddy will be in there for another twenty minutes so we can wait until then. Feel free to kick back and chat with us if you like." I offered.

"You know? I've been thinking about it. There's really no reason to be embarrassed. Your family, and that includes you Roger, has done so much for me. Let's just go down now, I'd like to thank Nick and Bobby for being so cool, letting me stay with you instead of having to go into foster care."

With that we went downstairs. Dad and Daddy were very surprised but didn't say anything. We got into the tub and started talking. Phoenix did thank my parents, but was told it wasn't any inconvenience and they liked him from what they'd seen over the past few days on our tour.

After Dad and Daddy left, I remembered something I'd wanted to tell Phoenix when he came into our room. "Phoenix. When I took my clothes off, you told me I was beautiful, right? Well, you don't have anything to worry about in that area. You are quite hot yourself."

We chatted for nearly an hour when I said we should get out of the hot tub. I explained why it was important to close your pores back up after being in hot water. I explained to him that we all needed to jump into the pool, but I warned him that after the hot water in the tub, the usually warm pool will feel like ice."

After a shocking dip into the pool we went back to my room. I asked if he wanted to Skype or call the Bolts. He said he did. Jim and Zac weren't there, but he talked to Patrick, and Scott was there also. During the call he told them about the hot tub and the fact that they went naked. He was told about the lake on the ranch and that he could skinny dip there if he liked.

The evening ended and Phoenix went to his room. Roger said, once he'd left, "Close and lock the door, please. I have something I started and haven't finished and you know how I don't like to leave things hanging."

"Babe, as soon as you said that, I was no longer hanging…" I joked.

Needless to say, before we slept, Roger finished and I made sure to start… and finish with him.

*** ~~~ Phoenix ~~~ ***

Wow, this has been an amazing few days. To think of the fact that had Jim not stopped me, I would probably not be here. That thought alone scared me and I'm truly thankful Jim found me. Spending the last couple of days with them showed me that being gay isn't a bad thing; it's just different.

Trevor and Roger are amazing. They make me feel like family, not like a guest. Walking in on them having sex though… Blowjobs are sex, right? I think so… anyway, walking in on them was so embarrassing. I was just thankful I didn't bone up.

During our talk in the hot tub, Trevor and Roger both told me that there is a huge difference between nudity and sex. So many people have trouble differentiating between the two. As a result, I now know that there's nothing to be ashamed about. My body is what I have and I can't change it other than by keeping fit.

I'm a little nervous about my meeting with Mrs. Granger tomorrow. I hope she doesn't insist on me going to an official foster home. I trust the Kings to look out for my interests.

I crawled into bed naked for the first time. At home I used to sleep in my underwear. I was asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.

The following morning, Ange served a great breakfast. Trevor had told me that they usually ate a more European breakfast. Fruits, breads, and the like. Today though, Ange had prepared bacon, two different types of sausages, a thin pancake I'd never had before, called a crepe. They were filled with strawberries and a sweet cream filling. There were also the best croissants I've ever eaten.

As nervous as I was, I still ate more than Trevor. Trevor and Roger had a coffee drink and I asked if I could have one. It was sweet and more milk than coffee. Trevor said they call it "Trevor Coffee" but it's really called "Cafe au lait."

After breakfast, we all got into the car. Grandpa and the lawyer were going to meet us there. I was nervous on the way there and was thankful they'd left me to my thoughts instead of trying to get me talking. We pulled into the orphanage and I felt such dread. What if I was made to be left there?

We walked to Mrs. Granger's office where Trevor and Roger were told that they couldn't join us and they should go visit some people named Nigel and Alex.

I was asked to sit in the outer office while Nate, Bobby, Nick and their lawyer, Mr. Miller, went in to talk with Mrs. Granger.

After what felt like an eternity, I was asked to join the group in Mrs. Granger's office. Nervously, I walked in and took a seat between Nick and Bobby. It felt good that they let me sit between them. It helped calm my fears.

Mrs. Granger stated, "According to the State of South Dakota, you must either be in foster care or at the orphanage until such time as you turn eighteen; unless you get lucky and a family adopts you." I wanted to cry when Mrs. Granger continued. "That being said, I have set up a foster family to take you into their home until the time when your transfer is approved." She paused and I almost thought she was finished speaking when she said, "Well, actually, you are already in their home. It is the King Family."

I just about lost it. I hugged Nick and cried, "No, I want to stay with... wait, did you just say, the King Family?"

Mrs. Granger said she'd already received several calls about my case. She promised she'd do whatever she could to make the time I had to wait until being able to move to Cody, WY, as short as possible. We thanked Mrs. Granger then went to find Trevor and Roger. They were in a room where two other boys were. One was older, the other a little younger than I was. I was introduced but we didn't have time to talk. Nick and Bobby said we needed to meet Grandpa and Mr. Miller for lunch.

We had a great lunch. Mr. Miller asked me a bunch of questions and told me he was going to be working on my transfer over the next few days. He promised that the longest I'd have to stay here would be a couple of weeks. This sounded great to me; not that I didn't love staying with the King's.

The rest of the day we messed around in the pool. I could really get used to swimming naked. It's such a free feeling. Right before noon I called the Bolts. I spoke to Jim and told him everything I'd told Patrick plus what happened today with Mrs. Granger. Right after that call I fell asleep; It had been a really emotional day.

Sunday morning, I woke up early. I sat on my bed and thought about how many coincidences happened to save my life and bring me to where I am now.

First, I came out to my family. Second, Mom and Dad fought about it. Third, Mom killed Dad. Fourth, The Bolt family decided to vacation at Mount Rushmore and Jim stopped me from killing myself. Fifth, The Bolts have a home for boys who are kicked out for being gay. Sixth, I met the Kings and they are helping me to get to Cody.

During breakfast I mentioned this and Bobby looks at Trevor and says, "Remember Chuck-E-Cheese?"

"I do, Dad. Six degrees of separation. It happened again." Trevor replied.

I was very confused until Trevor explained that you can find six events that separate almost any two occurrences.  It was an interesting theory, one I'd have to look up on the internet[1].

The following week we had another meeting with Mrs. Granger. She said that it seems that I'll be able to go to Cody around the middle-to-end of July. She said she would make the arrangements but Nick and Bobby said they were going to be going there for their wedding on July 20, and wouldn't mind if I went with them, assuming all of the paperwork was done and I agreed to that. I didn't want the Bolts to have to make a special trip so soon before I could get there on my own.

*** ~~~ Bobby ~~~ ***

"Yes, Judge Sprayberry, I can make that happen… of course, it'll be a complete surprise… Yes, they were planning on being at the wedding anyway. Fine. I'll take care of everything, don't worry. Thanks for calling."

I hung up the phone and made a few calls to handle what Ryan had asked me to do.

*** ~~~ Trevor ~~~ ***

It's only two days before we leave for the wedding. Phoenix has been having a great time. One day I took him to Tony's ranch and gave him his first taste of riding a horse. He loved it. He even skinny dipped with us. He's almost like a brother to me. At one point someone actually thought we were twins, but that is just too farfetched.

Dad has been spending a lot of time with Mrs. Granger for some reason. I can only assume it's because of Phoenix's situation. He did tell me that Alex and Nigel will be coming with us for an extended stay. Mrs. Granger told them that they had to pack up all of their belongings because they'd be gone so long, it would give them the time to remodel their room.

Phoenix's transfer authorization came today and he's so excited. He talked to Jim Bolt this morning and he was talking a mile a minute. It was nice to see him so happy. He told us that he really enjoyed the time he spent with us and the new experiences he's had. Other than what he would need for the remainder of the time he'll be here, we've arranged to ship the rest of the clothes I bought him and the other knickknacks he's accumulated.

A week ago, Dad came to me and told me that he was having trouble writing his vows and asked if I could help him. I asked him what he thought he would like to say and he said, "Trevor, you know me better than anyone. Why don't you write them as if it were your wedding? Say what you would if you were saying it to Roger."

It was an odd request, I thought, but if that's what Dad wanted, that's what I'll do. Plain and simple.

The night before we left, I showed him what I'd written. He was more than pleased.

*** ~~~ Phoenix ~~~ ***

The day has finally arrived. Grandpa Nate drove up with a big bus. When he got there he, Alex and Nigel, who I'd met a week ago when they stayed the weekend, got off the bus. We had breakfast then we all boarded the bus and headed out for Cody. On the bus were Grandpa, Nick, Bobby, Henri (Roger's Dad), Marine (Roger's Mom), Ange, Trevor, Roger, Alex, Nigel, Robert, Jacques and me. It would be a seven-hour drive so we were prepared with lots of stuff to do. With seven boys, I doubt we'll have a quiet moment.

Before I knew it, Grandpa Nate said, "Look, Phoenix, the Wyoming border." I couldn't help it… I felt a tear drip down my face.

[To be Continued]



I want to thank all of those who have done the kindness of sending feedback on this story, it's the best payment a writer can hope to received, good or bad… comments are always appreciated, or to be added to my mailing list for future postings, you can email me at True Fan