A Happy Ending

Chapter One

I was getting ready to head home after watching my nephew Sean's latest Soccer Game, just waiting for my nephew to finish helping his coach and some of the team clean up their side of the field. Once that was done, we would pick up some dinner curbside at our local Chili's® Restaurant. I was starting to get a little antsy as this was an evening game, and dusk was morphing into the nite. The Chili's® got very busy once it got dark, and I didn't know whether or not Sean had homework over the weekend. Sean's loving parents had made him promise that if he had homework for the weekend, it was to be done before watching movies or having dessert. Sean's parents both worked a lot of overtime and never had enough alone time. They loved Sean and spent as much time as they could with him. Sean loved spending time with me and had asked his parents if he could spend every other weekend with me so they could have some alone time. Since everyone agreed, Sean started spending every other weekend with me shortly after turning twelve. Once he joined the Soccer Team, he spent every weekend he had a game with me. His parents loved to mess with the other team's minds as they came and watched Sean's home games and gave Sean lots of love and hugs before and after the game. Then they waved goodbye to us as they headed home for some well-deserved peace and quiet.

Several Years Earlier:

It was the first time that Sean was spending the weekend, and after finishing dinner, I asked him to come into the living room and talk with me before we did the dishes.

As I sat on the couch, Sean joined me and leaned in to snuggle up to me as usual. However, this time I stopped him and began to speak,

"Sean, I have something significant to tell you, and this isn't going to be easy for me..."

Sean casually reached over and placed a hand over my mouth, effectively silencing me.

"Uncle Danny, let me save you some breath and some pain. You were going to tell me that you were gay and actually living together with Uncle Tony. You were also going to tell me that you would never do anything to hurt me. Oh, and you were going to swear me to secrecy about Uncle Tony and the sliding bookcases! Did I miss anything?"

Several hours later, after I had picked my jaw up off the floor and got my brain restarted, okay, only a few moments later, I carefully formed a response for my nephew. He was now in his favourite snuggling position.

"How, why, when?" Was my very articulate response.

"Mom and Dad told me that you were gay years ago when I asked them why you never had a girlfriend. They carefully explained what being Gay meant and then asked me a bunch of questions to make sure that I understood. Then they asked me if it made a difference to me. And being the smart ass that I am, I replied, 'Nah, he is the same loving Uncle I have always known; now I just know more about him.' As to Uncle Tony, I have just seen how you guys look at each other when you think no one is looking. Also, one day you left your bookcase not quite closed and being a nosy teenager, I slid it open a little more and was able to see into Uncle Tony's Duplex. And Uncle, it would be best if you kept more clothes in your bedroom and more toiletries in your bathroom. It is really obvious to anyone who is here as often as I am. So did I answer your questions, How, Why and, When?" Sean asked his still partially stunned Uncle.

Danny didn't respond. He just pulled Sean into a loving hug and lovingly kissed the top of his nephew's head.

Now back to the present:

Danny looked up and saw Sean and one of his teammates making their way over to him. Sean had an apprehensive look on his face and his friend Danny, now recognized as Fred, one of the team's defenders. Danny knew there was a significant problem brewing by the look on Fred's face.

The boys suddenly stopped making their way toward Danny, then Sean said something to Fred and headed over by himself.

Sean caught up with his Uncle and hugged him; however, it wasn't his usual warm hug.

"Okay, Sean, what's up? You don't look happy, and that was only half a hug?" Danny inquired of his obviously concerned nephew.

"Fred's parents weren't home when he left this morning, and they haven't shown up to pick him up either. He says that their landline is out of order or no longer in service. On top of that, both of his parent's cells gave him error messages that they were either out of range or not in service! He is distraught and doesn't know what to do. I gave him a hug and a kiss on the lips just before the game started; he was so shocked that he forgot to be upset when the kickoff occurred. He was still so stunned that he slipped into the 'zone' and scored a hat-trick before halftime. During halftime, he came over and thanked me and told me that while he appreciated the kiss, I wasn't his type and then reached over and closed my mouth. As he walked away laughing to get an orange and something to drink, he turned and said, 'I know that you are straight; however, that kiss was exactly what I needed as it showed me that someone still cared for me.' He went back out and played Goalie in the second half and shut out the other team. He still outscored me as I only scored two goals, but that isn't too shabby for a sweeper." Sean paused his monologue as I raised my hand to get his attention.

"It's okay Uncle, I already called Uncle Tony, and he is going to make sure that the house is shipshape and Bristol fashion. He also said that he would make sure that there was fresh linen on the bed in the guest room. I also asked him to hang up some 'dirty' towels in your bathroom and drip some toothpaste around."

Sean's response was not what I was expecting at all, and he was able to reach me and close my mouth for me before I could even begin to respond.

"I was only kidding about the toothpaste. However, he has everything else under control, and he will leave your emergency guardianship papers on the kitchen counter."

"Toothpaste... what guardianship papers, what are you talking about?" Sean couldn't answer my questions as Fred had caught up with us.

"Fred, what do you want to eat from Chili's® so Uncle here can add your order to ours?"

"Chili's® huh, what did you say?" Fred had no idea what Sean had asked him or why Sean had asked him what he did. Either he had forgotten, or Sean hadn't explained to him that he was eating dinner and spending the night at my house.

"Fred, for a nerdy jock, you sure have a short memory span; I told you that you were eating dinner with us and then spending the night and that in the morning we would see about your parents. I will order for you, Unk, get him a Southern Smokehouse Burger, Medium Rare, with French Fries and Onion Rings. I almost forgot Corn on the Cob so he can get his vegetables. Did I cover everything, Unk?" Sean told Fred and asked me.

"Fred, is that okay with you, don't let my bratty nephew railroad you into anything you don't want to do?" I asked Fred as I reached over and pulled him into a hug. It seems that hugging Fred was precisely what he needed to snap him out of the funk that he was in.

"But Sean, you said I could have a Skillet Chocolate Chip Cookie if I shared it with you, and you were going to share your Molten Chocolate Cake with me, remember?" Fred asked Sean while looking up into my face and giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Okay, I will add to the order one Skillet Chocolate Chip Cookie and a double of Sean's order minus the dessert," I replied to Fred while looking at Sean, and of course, my nephew rose to the bait.

"What Fred gets a dessert and I don't, and I thought that you loved me, Unk?" Sean whiningly asked me.

"Sean, what's the matter? Didn't I say minus the extra dessert? I think you need to have your hearing checked?" I replied to my nephew; I started taking his friend to my SUV. I then pulled out my phone and pressed speed dial button number three, "Hey Eggy, yes this is Danny, and I need our usual order with a double of the burger meal the same way and a Skillet Chocolate Chip Cookie for the dessert. Nah, Sean hasn't grown another stomach; he has one of his friends staying over for the weekend. Okay, we are on our way." In our usual ritual, I hung up my phone and then tossed my keys to Sean.

By the time Fred and I reached my car, Sean had all the windows open and the engine running. Unlike every other weekend, Sean got in the back seat, leaving the front seat for Fred. Now and then, my nephew surprises me with his maturity and insight. Once the teens were in the car and buckled up, I pulled out of the parking lot, headed to Chilis® and then home. Once we were safely out of the parking lot and on our way, I addressed the elephant in our midst. "Fred, don't worry, you are welcome to stay with us as long as necessary and don't worry, I won't shoot Sean for inviting you without asking me first. He is always welcome to invite friends over. In fact, I may like you so much I will send him home and let you stay in his place. " My playful statement had the expected result. Fred had a great big grin on his face, and he began trading gibes with Sean while Sean began tossing imprecations my way. By the time the two realized I wasn't responding, we had arrived at the curbside pickup point and our dinner. As usual, Eggy was waiting for us, and I rolled down Fred's window, and as Eggy started to hand Fred our dinner, he gave Sean a bad time.

"Hey, not Sean. Can I trust you not to let Sean eat everything before you get home? I know that he is just a bottomless pit and would eat the packaging if Danny let him."

Fred just rolled with the punches and gave Eggy as good as he got, "How do you know that I am not just like Sean, and I won't eat it all myself?" Before Eggy could respond, Fred rolled the window up and said, "Home James." Fred was laughing like crazy as Sean joined him, and they both waved at Eggy as I began pulling out and heading home. 'I sure hope that I know what I am doing and that Tony will be able to help me?' Were the thoughts going through my head as I drove home.


They arrived home a few minutes later, and to Danny's utter amazement, their dinner arrived intact with them as well. Danny was amazed at Fred's willpower, as he had even thought about grabbing an Onion Ring or two out of the bag; however, the steely look of determination in Fred's eyes and the death grip he had on the bags made Danny drop that idea. When Danny turned his eyes back on the road after that aborted attempt to assuage his growing hunger, he missed the glint in Fred's eyes and the smirk on his face. While Danny and Fred brought their dinner into the house, Sean was busy carrying his and Fred's sports bag into his bedroom for now. By the time he had finished that and washed his hands and face, Fred and his Uncle had the table set and dinner ready to eat. Dinner at first was a little tense as Fred was still feeling anxious about what was going to happen with him; he also thought that he was imposing on Danny and wasn't sure what to do about it. Almost as if he could read Fred's mind, Danny began speaking,

"Fred, when we have finished dinner, you can use Sean's shower, and Sean will get you some of his clothes to wear for when you have finished. Sean will use my shower, and I will wash your clothes when you are done. Don't worry about putting Sean out; he has more clothes here than at home. Even though Sean was the one that gave you the invitation, you are more than welcome to stay here as long as needed. In fact, with you here, I will be able to relax and read for a change without being bothered by an unruly teenager!" Danny had started looking at Fred but ended up grinning at Sean when he finished. Sean's only reply was to stick his tongue out at his uncle and grin right back.

Meanwhile, Fred was beginning to feel a lot better when Sean stuck his tongue out at his uncle. He felt a whole lot better, as if all of the weight in the world was lifted from his shoulders, when Danny stuck his tongue out right back at Sean. Unfortunately for Fred, he chose that time to start chuckling in relief, simultaneously as if they had practiced it; Danny and Sean turned to face Fred and stuck their tongues out at him. Being the irrepressible teenager, Sean also stuck his thumbs in his ears and waggled his fingers at Fred. That caused poor Fred to fall out of his chairs as he laughed so hard. He hadn't felt that loved in a long, long time, and it felt perfect. Danny brought everyone back to earth with his following pronouncement,

"Okay, you two giggle-boxes into the showers Now!"

Danny being the intelligent person he was, had already begun heading to his bedroom. However, he wasn't quite quick enough as he had only taken a few steps before he was buried under an avalanche of sweaty cheering teenagers. Being the crafty old-timer that he was, quickly reached around and grabbed the waistbands of both teens' soccer shorts and gave a quick yank. The suddenness of the sneak attack completely stunned the two teens, their first action when they recovered was to rearrange their jocks and shorts to relieve the pressure from their crown jewels. Danny took that moment to affect his escape, and just as he made it to the safety of the hallway turned and gave the boys their marching orders,

"When I get back, and you return, you both had better be clean and sweet-smelling enough to impress your boyfriend or girlfriends."

While the two teens were showering, Danny quickly phoned Tony regarding Fred's status. Tony assured Danny that he had everything under control and that he had already notified the County Sheriff about Fred's missing parents and that Fred was staying with Danny. Danny thanked Tony and then got ready to do Fred's laundry. He decided to go ahead and wash Sean's soccer gear as well, since it was beginning to reek.

Once the boys had their shower and weren't smelling like a locker room, Danny convinced the teens to play a cutthroat game of Monopoly. Of course, Sean and Fred ganged up on Danny. Unfortunately, youth and desire can't beat age, experience, and deceit. Danny was just about to bankrupt both teens, when they began yawning uncontrollably. Danny, let the two off the hook and suggested that everyone head to bed. Sean hugged his uncle and headed off to bed, followed closely by Fred. Before Fred made it to the hallway, he turned around and went back and gave the surprised Danny a hug. Danny stopped and told each teen goodnight before he headed to bed himself.

Breakfast the Next Morning

When Danny woke up early in the morning because a slight noise had woken him up, he headed to the boys' rooms after making a quick pit stop. Sean's door was slightly ajar, so he pushed it open just a bit more and saw that Fred had joined Sean in his bed. Since it was a queen-sized, there was plenty of room. However, Fred was snuggled right up to Sean's back. Danny quietly pulled the door closed and headed back to bed. Danny was awakened by the smell of freshly brewed coffee and the tantalizing aroma of bacon. He quickly performed the necessary ablutions, took a quick shower, and headed into the kitchen, where Fred was cooking breakfast. As he walked into the kitchen, Sean handed him a hot mug of coffee prepared precisely as he liked it. Danny's eyes opened wide when he saw Tony sitting at the table sipping from his mug. Danny's eyebrow raised slightly at seeing his lover sitting calmly at the table sipping coffee. Tony decided to break the ice,

"I brought over some updated forms for you, and Fred was polite enough to invite me for breakfast."

"Ah, okay, ah, good morning." Danny was not a brilliant conversationalist in the morning, well, at least not until he had half a cup of coffee or more.

While they were eating the excellent breakfast that Fred fixed despite Sean's help, that breakfast completely emptied Danny's cupboards

Fred asked a question,

"Danny, can we go to church before we go over to my house to check on my parents?"

Danny was caught entirely off guard by that question, as he wasn't a big churchgoer; he believed in communicating with God one on one.

"Which church do you want to attend, and what time?" Danny wasn't sure that he really wanted to know the answer to that question.

"St. Geoffrey's Presbyterian near my house, and the eleven o'clock service," Fred's reply took a huge load from Danny's shoulders.

Danny replied,

"Sure, we can do that, many of my clients go to that church, and the eleven o'clock service is the family one. Tony, are you coming with us?" Of course, the look that Danny gave Tony said, 'Don't you even think of saying NO.' Tony answered,

"Sure, Danny, I will be glad to go with you; in fact, Fred and Sean, you two go and change into something nice, and Danny and I will do the dishes and clean up the kitchen since the two of you cooked Breakfast."

Sean jumped out of his chair and ran over to Tony, giving him a big hug and saying,

"Thanks, Uncle Tony." Fred's left eyebrow rose slightly at the hug and the 'Uncle Tony'; however, that didn't cause his manners to disappear.

"Thanks, Tony," and then he followed Sean to see what Sean had for him to wear to church.

The two men quickly had the dishes done, and the kitchen cleaned; Tony gave Danny a quick peck on the cheek, and then headed next door to change clothes himself. Rather than going through the bookcase, Tony went out the front door. Danny quickly changed into his Sunday go-to-meeting garb, and at the spur of the moment, grabbed a zip-able folder and placed the guardianship papers for Fred in it.  He then pulled a Sean and yelled down the hallway,

"Hurry up, guys, daylights a burnin; I'll be in the car with Tony, waiting for you."

Sure, enough as Danny opened the garage door, Tony came sauntering up.

"Are you ready for this?"

Tony asked as he and Danny got into the front seats. Danny couldn't respond as Sean and Fred came flying out the door as if a flock of banshees were chasing them. Of course, they couldn't be bothered to close the door, so Danny gave a light tap on the horn, and Sean shook his head, and then sarcastically replied,

"No, I don't live in a barn; you are just too cheap to buy a door closer!"

Tony quickly covered his face with Danny's folder on the dash. He was trying not to laugh and was failing mightily, as no matter how many times he went someplace with Danny and Sean, Sean would inevitably forget to close the door. Of course, the one time that Danny forgot, Sean ragged him just as hard, and he never let Danny forget it. The church service was very friendly and lighthearted, there was no fire or brimstone, and all of the attendees were very friendly. The four spent more time at the church than they had planned as not only were some of Danny's clients also members, but several of Sean's classmates and teammates were as well. After saying their goodbyes and getting lots of hugs and handshakes, the four guys headed over to Fred's house.

Fred's House

 Something told Danny to approach the house from the left side first and just drive by. It turned out that was an excellent idea, as there were several eviction notices on the garage door and the front door.

Fred let out a gasp and a,

 "Oh, Shit!"

The two adults let the profanity slide by as it was the perfect response to the situation.

Sean reached over and pulled Fred's head onto his shoulder, all the while whispering,

"It's okay; Uncle Danny and Uncle Tony will take care of everything. Uncle Danny will get his lawyer to find out what is going on, and Uncle Tony will make sure that you get to stay with Uncle Danny."

Danny was so upset that, the "Uncle Tony" went in one ear and out the other. Sean was patiently rubbing his best friend's back, trying to calm him down. Danny spoke up,

"Fred, don't worry, everything will be fine, I will make a few calls to see what I can find out, and his honour next to me will make sure that all the i's are dotted, and all our t's are crossed. I am sure that Sean will watch our P's and Q's; all you will have to do is make sure that all of our ducks are in a row." Danny's last statement finally got through to Fred, and he quickly sat up and queried,


"Fred, Sean is right. As soon as we get home, we will start finding out what is happening. You're welcome to stay with us as long as you need to, you can go to school with Sean, and I can pick you up and bring you back here, or I am sure that Sean's parents will gladly bring you back there. Of course, without Sean there, we may finally get some peace and quiet." Danny didn't even have to look in the rear-view mirror to know that Sean was grinning from ear to ear and sticking his tongue out at his dear Uncle. For now, let's go inside and get some of your clothes and then we will head back to my place and begin straightening out this mess.

Fred just muttered,


Danny turned the SUV around and then pulled into the driveway. As the group approached the front door, Tony noticed a Foreclosure Notice partially hidden under the Eviction Notices. Red flags went off for Tony, who quickly pulled out his phone and began an intense phone conversation with the person at the other end of the call,

"Okay, see you in ten."

"Guys, we need to go back to the car and wait until my bailiff shows up. James will be in uniform, and armed. There is something funny going on here. I don't want to go inside without backup and a legal, well, semi-legal presence."

Tony informed the group, and they all dutifully headed back to Danny's SUV.

Once inside the SUV, Sean decided they needed some music, so he had Danny plug his phone into the dash. Soon music was pounding out of the speakers; fortunately, or unfortunately, Sean liked older British Rock, and soon the first of his soccer team theme songs was blaring out of the speakers. Sean and Fred quickly rocked out to Queen's We Will Rock You. Luckily for both Danny and Tony, Bailiff James pulled up just as Queen's We Are The Champions began issuing out of the speakers.

James got out of his car in full uniform and armed; technically, he had no jurisdiction other than to protect Tony.

Before they were able to head inside, another car pulled up, and Tony's Court Reporter Barbara, got out carrying her Stenotype Machine Case; her driver got out, it was her husband Rick, Tony's clerk carrying a briefcase, he was also armed and had a badge clipped to his belt.

When the entourage got near the front door, Rick set his briefcase on the porch railing and took his digital camera out and began taking pictures of all the notices on the door. His wife used a pen to move some of the notices out of the way so that Rick could get clear pictures. Once Rick was sure that he had all of the images they might need, he let James open the door and enter first. Rick then followed James and began taking pictures of everything he could see. Barbara set up her Stenotype machine on the coffee table and started taking notes about everything she heard and everything that was said. Danny, took charge and stated,

"We are only here to get Fred's clothes and whatever else he needs for school. We shouldn't take or touch anything he doesn't need, Barbara, if you will take note of everything we remove. Rick, please take a picture of everything we remove; I don't want anyone to say later that we took something that we shouldn't have." Tony spoke up,

"Before we leave, I will write up a statement and have us all sign it and then Barbara will notarize it. Danny and James, I think you two should also do a quick inventory of all the important items; we can have Fred go over that once we get him home and see if anything is missing. This whole affair smells to high heaven. We need to get home very soon, so Danny and I can start making a few phone calls."

Danny and James were making quick work of the inventory; James was using a 128GB Memory Card in his camera, and as Danny noted something, James took its picture. Everything was going smoothly, and they had found or seen nothing out of the ordinary, that is until they went into one of the bedrooms that had been turned into an office. Sitting on top of the desk in plain sight was Fred's Birth Certificate, his Immunization Record, and his School Records. However, that wasn't where the strange things ended; there was also a Custody Document and a Power of Attorney, hidden underneath Fred's records. The Custody Document and the Power of Attorney hadn't been filled in yet. Next to that was a stack of Financial Documents showing Bank Accounts that had been emptied out, except for Fred's, which showed a deposit of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars from Thursday morning. In that stack were also several Late Payment Notices and a Pre-Foreclosure Notice. However, the most damning pieces of evidence were the loans paperwork; Fred's parents had mortgaged the house and the land up to the hilt. This was beginning to look more and more like a prepared departure and apparent Child Abandonment.

Danny and James quickly finished inventorying the desk. James then put on a pair of Nitrile Gloves, ran Fred's papers through the multipurpose scanner/printer/copier that was sitting on the desk powered on. What was really strange was that the machine was loaded with high-quality 24 lb bond paper and not the standard 20 lb everyday paper.

James then stuck his head out the door and called,

"Barbara, please come in here and bring your stamp, Tony. You had better come as well."

When Barbara and Tony arrived, Danny carefully showed them all of the paperwork they had found. Barbara then notarized the copies as Certified Copies, and Tony signed each copy as well.

Tony then said,

"I think that we need to head back to Danny's and regroup."

Five minutes later, everyone was heading back to Danny's.

Back to Danny's House

When they arrived back at Danny's, Sean and Danny headed to the kitchen to make some snacks and get drinks for everyone. Tony took Barbara into Danny's office, where they quickly made copies of all the documents. Once that was done, they headed back to the living room where James kept Fred occupied by telling him funny stories about Tony and some cases. Right behind was Sean and Danny with a tray of snacks and a tray of drinks. Tony, then announced,

"I will be right back. I need to go next door and use my Fax Machine and Fax copies of all these documents to the Fax Machine in my private office. I will also be faxing copies to my good friend, the Sheriff; something just isn't right. Sean, you better not eat my share of the snacks."

With that, Tony left, but not until ruffling a grinning Sean's hair.

"Unk, while you old folks are talking about things that old folks talk about, Fred and I can go into your office and burn all the pictures to DVDs as a backup."

"Sean, since that is an excellent idea, I will let you get away with old folks' comments. Now get busy burning those DVDs, so we will have a backup as they show on TV, just in case the originals get damaged or stolen." Danny replied with a grin.

"Ahh, Sean, shouldn't we be burning all of the Documents to the DVD as well?" Fred asked.

"Duh, why didn't Unk think of that? Oh, wait, he's old..." Sean ducked under Danny's attempt to swipe at his head.

"Just for that, I will have Tony bring the documents to you, and then you and Fred can stay up all night while Tony goes home to sleep, and I go to bed. Don't wake me up when you are done." With that, Danny headed out of his office as fast as he could.

Sean and Fred burst out laughing at the scene that Dany had created.

"He doesn't know, does he?" Fred asked Sean.

"Nope, all he knows is that he has a Scanner/Copier/Printer; he doesn't know anything

The next morning Sean and Fred were in the kitchen fixing breakfast for everyone. While they were doing that, Danny and Tony were in Danny's office going over the documents and the DVD that Sean and Fred had burned the previous night, and drinking their morning coffee that Fred had brought them.

In the middle of preparing breakfast, there was suddenly a doorbell chiming, as well as a loud banging on the front door. Sean and Fred also heard a muffled voice that could be someone shouting their lungs out. While Sean headed to the front door, video monitor Fred took over cooking. Meanwhile, in Danny's office, Tony and Danny were looking at the video monitor in the office. As soon as they saw the ruckus on the front porch and the Uniformed Officers in the wrong coloured uniforms, Danny locked the DVD and a couple of folders in his fireproof safe, while Tony quickly headed next door to change into a suit. As Tony was headed next door, he was also calling his friend the Sheriff to send out a few deputies, as they lived in the County, not the City hence the wrong coloured uniforms. Fred then, headed to the front door to backup Sean. As soon as Sean heard Danny's footsteps, he made sure that his bath robe's belt was tied tight, and then quickly ran his fingers through his hair in an attempt to get rid of his bed head. As Sean started to open the door, not taking his hand off the knob, as soon as the door began to open the women making all of the noise started yelling,

"Fred, I'm here to rescue you from the fags and this den of iniquity," she then made a huge mistake; she tried to barge through the partially open-door knocking Sean to the ground. Luckily for Sean and unluckily for the unknown woman Sean fell clear of the door and Danny quickly shoved the door closed, knocking the woman back into the suits.

Danny then waited until Tony called his friend on his iPhone and told him that the Cavalry was coming. Fred was busy making sure that Sean was okay, he was having a problem because all Sean cared about was making sure that the woman's assault was caught on camera.

"Unk, did the cameras catch her hitting me with the door?"

"They sure did Sean, and I sent the Video to Tony's iPhone as well, You stay put, Fred give him some Ibuprofen and some water and keep him inside, until I say that he can come out."

"Okay, 'Uncle Danny' can I use the Cast Iron Frying Pan on him, if he won't stay still?" Fred asked while looking directly at Sean who was now sitting on a chair carefully watching a video on his iPhone. Fred walked over and soon was so engrossed in the video as well he didn't hear Dany's retort,

"If you can lift it, sure go ahead." The Cast Iron Frying Pan was a family heirloom, and it was 18 inches across and supposedly as old as the Gold Rush.


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