Flight of the Destiny

Chapter 4

Part 1

The first rays of the Tournian sun glinted off the hull of the Destiny. The ship was in orbit around a rusty, pieced together space station. The boys on board were awake early, for once, and getting ready to face whatever challenges the station presented. They dressed in their uniforms, and made themselves look as respectable as possible. They wanted to ensure that people would think twice before messing with them.

The regulations on the space station did not allow boys their age to go armed, so they would have to rely on the training that Hugh had given them if things got sticky. After their initial meeting with the head of the station, they were worried that things would. Hugh had warned them just how rough and tumble space stations in outlying places like this could get. They both prepared themselves for the worst, but hoped for the best. With any luck, they would be in and out in an hour or less and ready to go. The boys headed down to the mess hall, so they could eat and talk to Hugh.

"Good morning boys, good to see you up and at 'em without me calling you," An image of Hugh appeared at the table in front of them. " Breakfast is ready, and after you eat, we need to go over what we need from the station."

"Good morning, Dad," Kyle replied, " I was so anxious about today, I barely slept at all."

"Yeah, me either. I hope that the guy that runs the station isn't as bad as he seamed yesterday. I really want to get this done, with no hang ups." Terry added.

The doors slipped open to admit the third member of their party. The sleepy spangler looked everyone over and managed a flick of his tail, before heading to his corner to eat. The boys started in on their breakfast, none of them were very hungry, but they knew they would need the energy when they were on the station. All three picked through and turned to Hugh waiting for him to speak.

"Well I guess we can get to business then, anyone have any questions before we start off?"

"Well, I do," said Terry, "I thought we had enough particles to make it to earth, what do we need at the station? Can't we just make our way to Earth on what we have?"

"That's actually what I was going to talk to you about. There are enough particles to generate most of what we need to reach Earth, if we really needed to get there without stopping. However, there are some things we can't generate, that we will need. One of the main things you are looking for are crewmembers. We don't need many, but we do need a good mechanic, a weapons expert, and we defiantly need a doctor. The med pods can only do so much without a doctor to help them along. Food is another thing we need. We could synthesize everything, but as I'm sure you've noticed, there is a difference between the synthesized food and fresh food. If you want fresh food, we have to get it at stations. Clothes, The synthesizers can only make things they are programmed to make, the uniforms you wear and a few other kinds, such as the robes you wore during training. But they are highly limited. The computers would have been programmed with more patterns for the maiden voyage, but unfortunately, it was a low priority and one of the last things that was to be done, so it was never finished. We either need pattern programs, or you can just buy any clothes you wish to wear. Plants are something we need, if you wish to make your nature room, so be on the lookout for them. And some of the most important things we need are fuel cells. We can't synthesize them, and space stations are the best places to get them."

"O.K. so let me get this strait. We need a mechanic, a weapons expert, and a doctor in the crew department, any food stuffs we want to make non synthesized meals with, clothes, either pattern programs or just fresh clothes, plants, and fuel cells. Can we get all that here?" Kyle asked.

"Well, I suppose we could find most of it here, if we looked hard enough, but we really just need the essentials. We have several stops on this trip, most of them in the next few weeks, before we enter deep space. Many of the stations are nicer than this. The main things we need are the fuel cells. I didn't check those before I loaded you on here and it seems that they had not stocked the ship for the maiden voyage, yet. We only have the cells that are running the ship, now, and they are getting low. If we can't find them here, we may not reach the next station before we are dead in space. On the upside, the Destiny uses a standard cell that we should be able to pick up anywhere, so they should be easy to find. Be on the lookout for crew; remember I can check anyone out before we let them on the ship, so we can know for sure that they are safe. In all cases except the doctor, I think you should try to stick with boys. I'm sure you can find some kids your age who have aptitude in those areas, and I think you will have better luck finding trustworthy kids than adults."

"O.K. I think we can manage on the station then. Fuel cells are our major need, everything else is second degree," said Terry, "And we need to keep a lookout for kids who can handle mechanics and weapons, where do we find them?"

"For the mechanic, most shops you visit will employ kids on the run because they will work for cheap. If you keep a look out in parts shops, you may find just the boy we need. As to the weapons expert, I'm really not sure, but I think you'll figure it out when you see him. Also be on the lookout for anything you want that you don't have; we have plenty of credits, because this ship had access to the imperial accounts. Ajax transferred it all to a safe banking system before the world was destroyed. So money is no object. Have fun, but be safe, and don't take all day. I want to be out of here in a couple of hours. And one last warning, any of the rebels who survived, may have ended up here. If they think you're royalty, you will be in trouble. If you find yourselves in their company, run away. You're not ready to handle them yet. I'll keep the engines ready to go and I will stay locked on to both of you at all times."

The boys hugged the hologram of Mr. Barkley. He handed them each a data pad with all the information he had been able to get, concerning the space station. It had a list of the stuff they needed, and a basic map of the station. They were ready to go.

The boys headed to the bridge, Kyle fell back into his role as captain.

"Ajax. Hail the space station."

It only took a few seconds for the chief to appear on the screen. His disposition did not seem any different than the night before.

"What do you want now?" The gray green alien looked as if he was being interrupted from something he wanted to do. "I gave you permission to board, so board already. Unless there is anything else, leave me be. I am exceptionally busy."

With that, the view screen went dark.

"Well that didn't go so well," commented Kyle, "He seems even grumpier than yesterday."

"Yeah I know." Terry turned and shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe the other people on the station are more friendly."

"I sure hope so, they can't get any meaner. Dad, can you beam us over to the station?"

"Your wish is my command, I love you boys, be safe." And with that the boys vanished, to reappear on the Tournian space station.

Part 2

The light surrounding the boys faded and they got their first good look at the inside of the station. It seemed to be as dreary inside as it was on the outside. They found themselves in the center of a spherical room. From the looks of it, they were in the center of the station. Several corridors spiraled off from this main chamber all at different angles. They looked as if they had not been planned, merely added, as the population growth required it. Everything was a dusty gray, or a rusty brown. All of it was very utilitarian and it seemed to pull any thoughts of joy right out of your head. This was a place built of necessity, not to be a home. There were several beings of many races who did call it home however, and the thoughts of that, made Kyle and Terry shiver. Anyone who could live here had to be at least slightly unstable. Their first breaths of the recycled air brought with it an unpleasantly dank smell. The whole place felt neglected.

Kyle looked at Terry and the two held hands for support. They looked at their data pads and saw the locations of the few machine shops they could find. They picked one at random and headed off down that corridor. It was dark there, and there were very few beings of any sort, about. It reminded Terry of the training they had had on the Destiny. He told himself to remain on guard. He wasn't about to let anything happen to Kyle on their very first trip off ship.

They made their way down the winding path; many of the shops they passed were out of business and looked empty or looted. The boys tried their best to stay in the middle of the path and away from the dark shop fronts. They didn't want to know what was lying in wait for them, there in the dark. As they passed one of the shops, Terry spun around; he knew he had seen something move, but as he turned around to search, nothing was there.

"What's wrong?" Asked Kyle.

"Something is following us. I saw it move into that shop there, but by the time I turned it was gone. I know it was there."

As the boys turned to look towards the store, a familiar face popped out of the shadows, Sepi jumped off the broken display windows frame and moved over towards them. The boys heard his voice from their lockets.

"You didn't think I was going to let you two have all the fun, now did you?" Sepi told them as he vanished from sight. "A station like this just has to be crawling with mice and rats! I'm going to eat like a king."

"Yeah, well you scared me half to death; why didn't you tell us you were coming?"

"Because, it was more fun to keep you on your toes. Besides, I won't be a bother, I'm just going to go play, if you need me call."

Kyle looked down and saw paw prints appear in the dust and head off into another shop. He rolled his eyes and looked at Terry.

"He's worse than me, when it comes to thinking with his stomach!"

"I don't know." replied Terry with a grin. "You can be pretty bad."

With their fears gone, at least for a little while, they continued on to the parts shop ahead. A shadow came from the shop to their left and vanished into the darkness ahead. It followed the boys at a distance and paused when Terry would look back. The boys, and their unknown follower, made their way to the parts shop on the left, which had a sign outside it, advertising "The best prices in the galaxy!" The boys entered.

"O.K. Terry, you look around and see if there's anything we need, I'm going to find the shop keeper and see if he has the fuel cells we need."

"O.K. Kyle, just be careful." Terry didn't have a good feeling about the two of them separating.

Kyle made his way to the back room of the shop, as Terry went to the rows of shelves. Terry looked through all manner of stuff; this shop seemed to have a lot of parts, considering what the chief of the station had said, they seemed quite well stocked. He figured that they must salvage from the ships that broke down on the way here, or that they had traded in as payment. He turned down another row and looked back over his shoulder because he thought he saw something move. There was nothing there, probably just Sepi causing trouble again, anyways. He turned back down his isle just in time to see a stun ray. It hit him in the chest and he fell down. He tried to grab his locket and call for help, but darkness took him.

Kyle heard a thud, and knew something was wrong. He turned from the shop owner he had just begun talking to and ran out of the back room.

"Terry!" he shouted, "Where are you?"

"I'm right here," replied Terry with a grin on his face, "Sorry to worry you, I just knocked over this pipe, go on back and talk to the shop guy Kyle, I'm fine." With that Terry turned back to the shelves he had been checking out, and kept on looking. Kyle didn't like this; something just didn't feel right, but Terry seemed to be okay. As he turned to go back into the back room he didn't notice the sheet covered body in the corner.

Kyle went back up to the shopkeep.

"Sorry about that, I'm looking for a supply of standard crystalline fuel cells, have you got any in stock?"

"Well, I've got a few, but they're all used, we haven't seen a supply ship in a while, ever since the war on Anderon kicked up a notch. I've got a few that I've scavenged, they don't have a full charge, but they will work as back ups, if you can't find anything else."

"O.K. Thanks sir. I'm gonna check a few of the other shops and see what they have, but I will come back and get what you've got if I can't find any new ones."

"Sure kid, that sounds fine, I know for a fact you won't find any new ones on this station, so I'll have them ready for you when you come back." The man looked at him with a grin, and then started boxing up the used fuel cells. He knew he was the only one with any usable ones on the whole station. The kid would be back.

Kyle made his way back out to the main part of the shop, He didn't see Terry anywhere.

"Terry! Where did you go now?" Just then he saw Terry run back in from outside the shop.

"I'm right here, sorry I was checking on Sepi."

"Oh o.k. What's he up to? Causing more trouble?"

"I'm not sure, I didn't see him anywhere," Terry told him, " I'm sure he's fine though."

"Well, you shouldn't see him, he's running around on invisible mode remember." Kyle still felt like something was up, why would Terry wander off, he knew they were supposed to stick together.

"Oh yeah, of course, just thought maybe he would keep me company."

Kyle looked at Terry strangely. It looked like he had been running for a while or something, Kyle noticed he was sweating and he knew it took a lot to make Terry sweat. Something was up, but he would play along, until he figured it out.

The boys started up towards the next shop to see what they had, Hugh noticed that they were getting farther apart. Why would the boys split up? And why was Terry staying where he was? Maybe Kyle had him waiting at one of the shops while he checked another. It was very strange. They knew to stick together. A quick call and he had Sepi going to check on Terry. He decided to monitor Kyle closely.

"Come on Terry," Kyle turned around and waited for him to catch up, " the next shop is right up here."

"I'm not feeling very well, Kyle, Can I go back to the ship?" asked Terry, "Sepi can watch over you, I really need to lie down."

"What's wrong?" Kyle asked concerned, " Is it your head? I know you get those headaches all the time." Terry almost never got headaches, but Kyle had begun to suspect it might not be Terry he was dealing with.

"Headaches? What are you talking about?" Terry asked. Well, if it wasn't Terry, he sure knew a lot about him, "I never get headaches. No, I think breakfast is just not settling well. I don't want to use the restrooms on the station, I don't know what might be in there to eat me." Terry said with a grin.

Now Kyle was really confused, he had been sure he was right. Now he wasn't. It seemed like Terry, It even grinned like Terry, but he still felt wrong. He decided to play along a little longer.

"I really need you for this, I'm sorry you don't feel good, but we'll just check this shop, and then if they don't have cells, we'll get the others and go back to the ship. The rest of the stuff can wait till the next station." A look of disappointment and fear flashed over Terry's face. Kyle noticed, but let it slide. He was still worried.

"O.K. Kyle, I think I can make it, but let's hurry to the ship." The boys made their way to the shop.

Sepi was a little ticked. All he wanted to do was catch a few rats and now he had to go baby-sit the bipeds. He went on to where Hugh told him Terry was. It was one of the broke down, closed up, shops. Why would the boys be here? Sepi went in and saw no one there he looked all around the store and in the back room he smelled Terry. He went over to a sheet-covered lump and grabbed the corner in his teeth. Terry lay there unconscious. He was tied up with electrical cabling, and had an adhesive strip over his mouth. Sepi sent a message to Hugh, and set to cutting the boy loose. He didn't know how to wake him up, so he would just have to wait until he woke up on his own.

Kyle and Terry came out of the parts store. Strike two. There was one more parts store on the station, but Kyle had promised they would go back. He tried to decide if he should let Terry go back to the ship on his own while he searched the last shop, or if they should just leave. As he was trying to decide, his dads voice jumped from his locket.

"Kyle where are you? Why did you leave Terry? You two are supposed to be together! Do you know what has happened to him?"

The Terry to Kyle's side turned and tried to run. Kyle grabbed him by the arm and spun him into the wall. He bent his arm back until he was afraid it would break.

"Kyle, do you read me?" Hugh yelled across the COM link.

"Ya dad," Kyle said through gritted teeth, " Just a second, I think I have an imposter here."

"Stop let me go! Kyle, why are you hurting me?" The Terry in his hands asked. Kyle looked again and noticed that this Terry didn't have a locket. They never went anywhere without them.

"Shut your mouth, or I'll break your arm! Now, I've suspected you weren't who you said you were all along, who are you, and what have you done with my husband?" Kyle emphasized this last comment with more pressure on the arm.

"What do you mean oh god that hurts, your going to break my arm let go!"

Kyle had no intentions of that, but as he held on the arm began to move, it grew smaller and smaller, he looked again and there was nothing in his hands. On the floor was a rat, the rat looked up at him and ran for the end of the corridor. Kyle was not about to let him get away. He took off after the rat and was about to catch him when the rat's tail lifted up in mid air. The whole rat followed. Unable to run the rat looked as a spangler materialized in front of him, with his tail in its mouth. Kyle looked down at Sepi.

"Thanks for the help Sepi, can I please have him now? I need to find out what he did with Terry."

The spangler spit the rat into Kyle's outstretched hand.

"Terry is fine, he's on his way here now, but I'm faster. He was stunned and tied up. Hugh sent some kind of pulse across the COM and it woke him up. He's fine."

With that the spangler disappeared. Kyle noticed he didn't go anywhere though. The rat in his hand began to squirm and suddenly he was holding a snake. Kyle almost dropped it but then realized it might get away. He grabbed it by the head and held on.

"You should stop fighting, I want answers, and I intend to get them." Kyle shook the snake like a whip. He heard people approaching and turned as a security team showed up. They were mainly a bunch of old, out of shape guys, their guns however looked operational. Kyle turned to them as they got to him, guns drawn.

"What's going on?" The man in the middle asked, "Are you causing trouble boy?"

"No I'm not. I am Captain Kyle Barkley of the AES Destiny. This thing," As he looked down at his hand he realized the snake had became a club, "was a snake, before that it was a rat, and before that it was pretending to be a person."

The security guards looked at the club in his hand and aimed their weapons at him.

"Drop the weapon boy, don't make us stun you." The lead guard said.

"If I let it go it will get away, I won't let that happen." He moved to get away from the guards and one fired. Kyle dodged the stun bolt, but it hit the club dead center. The club flew from his hands and hit the wall. As the club landed it turned into a boy, Not Terry, but a silvery boy. He looked younger than Kyle; he had a silver glow to his skin, almost like body paint. His hair matched the rest of him, before he lost consciousness, he looked at Kyle, and Kyle saw amazingly golden eyes. Then the eyes closed, and the boy slumped over. Terry came running up and took in the situation, The guards were confused as to who to fire on, but to their credit they held their fire, looking at the boy on the floor. The chief guard got a look of pleasure on his face.

"That's him men, the boy we've been searching for. The chief will be pleased; his people offered a hefty reward! Grab those other two as well. They are from Anderon and that one claims to be captain of the Destiny. The Rebels will pay loads to have that ship and anyone on board. Apparently they lost three ships to her. I imagine that you two will not be having a very good night."

Two guards made to grab the boys, Kyle turned and kicked the one going for Terry, and he heard a crack as he connected with his knee. Terry took the one headed for Kyle, he grabbed his arm and flipped him head over heals into one of the other guards. The lead guard looked shocked for a second and then leveled his gun. Just as he went to fire, an invisible force ripped his hand open. It didn't stop there; it tore into anything it could get a hold of. The guard brought his other hand down where the weight was, but it moved and he only hit himself. He went to swing again and this time Kyle grabbed his hand. He brought it back behind the guards back, but the guard was too strong. He threw Kyle backwards as he spun around, blood poured from his hand, his arm, and his face, just below his eye. As he looked at Kyle a blue stun bolt blasted the guard in the chest. He fell to his knees, and then onto his face.

Kyle looked to his side and saw that Terry had commandeered a blaster gun from one of the fallen guards. With a grin on his face he twirled the gun and then blasted the other two guards.

"That should keep them down for a while, but there will be more anytime, lets get out of here!" Terry said. The boys began to run back to the shop they knew had some power cells, but Sepi stopped them.

"What about the boy? We can't just leave him."

"Sure we can he's as crazy as they are!" Kyle exclaimed, " We have to get out of here."

"If you heard his story you wouldn't think so. He's a good kid, we need to help him." It seemed as if Sepi was putting his foot down. Kyle looked for a second and then decided.

"O.K. We can take him, but you need to have dad beam you and him back to the ship from here, and lock him in a room until I can talk to him, preferably one with no holes, he seems a bit slippery!"

"Deal. I'll have Hugh beam him to a holding cell on the lower deck. There are fields around them to keep people from escaping. Thanks Kyle you won't regret it." With that Sepi and the strange silver boy disappeared. The boys took off running for the parts shop.

"What the heck am I doing? Geez I'm letting a cat make all the calls, what kind of captain am I?"

"A good one, you listen to those around you, and then do what is best." Replied Terry, "And I think you are doing the right thing. I know he shot me, but I think Sepi is right about him. I think he needs help, and were the right people to give it to him."

The boys had to duck into an abandoned shop to hide from another group of guards running to the scene. They took off after they passed and were soon at the other parts shop. The shopkeeper was looking at them as they entered.

"In trouble already are ya? Well we better settle the bill quick before the guards find you." The man said with a grin. "Oh and I'm sorry for Odey, I knew he wanted off this station, but I didn't know he was going to do that. I've been watching out for him since he got here, but I think he's in better hands with you two. Be gentle on him. He's really a good kid he's just scared. I never got his story out of him, but he's running from something bad, and the chief has had the whole station looking for him."

"We'll take care of him, what do we owe you for the fuel cells?"

"I'll tell you what, you go easy on Odey, and we'll call it even, these used cells aren't worth much anyways, But they should be enough to get you to the Sillerion system, which is where Hugh says your going." Replied the shopkeeper.

"How do you know about Hugh?" Terry asked shocked.

"Me and Hugh go way back. I'm from Anderon myself, and when he realized I was here, after your last visit, he sent me a message. Now you don't have much time, Take these cells and get outta here."

"Would you like to come with us?" Kyle asked, " There is plenty of room on the ship, and we could use a mechanic."

"Well, It's kind of you to offer, but I'm afraid I have to decline, I'm a shopkeeper, not a mechanic, and a shopkeeper needs a shop," The man said with a grin, " Besides I'm actually liking it here, the rebels stop in a lot and I get to stick it to them. May not be much, but charging them five times the price on parts makes me feel a little better. Now go."

"Thanks sir," Both boys said in unison.

"Captain Barkley to the Destiny, Dad Bring us home."

The two boys disappeared, just as a security crew came around the corner. They looked into the shop, saw no one there and kept going. They were going to get those boys.

Part 3

Kyle and Terry appeared on the bridge of the Destiny, just as the first impact shook it. Kyle ran to the captain's chair, as Terry jumped to the sensor console. Ajax brought the space station up on the screen. The station was firing on them; their shields were more than enough to fend off the weak blasts.

"Ajax I want the chief of that station on my screen, now!"

"As you wish sir."

Moments later the chief of the station was shown on their screen, they could see him giving orders.

"I want that ship brought in to our cargo hold in one piece! The Mishi boy is worth a fortune if we return him to his people, and the rebels want that ship."

"I'm sorry sir, he refused to answer the hail, so I hacked his system, he doesn't know we're on."

"That's ok Ajax, put me on his speakers."

"Ready Captain."

Kyle was really pissed now. He had had about enough of this greedy pompous jerk. He was none too calm when he dealt with the chief.

"Chief, This is Captain Kyle Barkley. You are firing on my ship, and if you do not cease fire immediately, I will blow your ass into so many chunks of space dust no one will be able to put you back together again." Kyle bluffed, they wouldn't fire on the station, they had a friend on there now. But it sure put a bit of fear in the chief.

"How did he get through? When I'm done with him, your next, you idiot." The chief yelled at his subordinate. "Are you calling me to surrender, captain? Because that is the only thing that will make me stop firing." He said, smugly.

"Chief, I suggest you take a look at your sensors, your blasters are pretty puny. You may want to take better care of your power conduits, and the rest of your station for that matter." Terry threw in. " We're not even taking damage." Terry was right, the shields were standing at one hundred percent, and all the blasts were doing was bouncing off. The chief looked down at his readings and frowned.

"Cease fire." The chief said and the blasts stopped. "You have a prisoner that belongs to us. I demand you return him at once, if you do that, I will let your attack on my officers slide."

Kyle chuckled, there was nothing the chief could do about any choice he made, so he looked at the chief and said no.

"I think we will keep him and punish him according to the laws of our ship. His attack was against two of its officers after all. Handling it myself is the only way I can insure justice is done."

The chief turned from gray to red, then began to cuss and yell. "You and your crew are hereby banned from this station, if you ever return, you shall be arrested immediately." Knowing it was all he could do, the chief began to storm off, but then he stopped and grinned. "Well they got here faster than I had hoped, I'll give you one more chance to surrender Captain." The chief spat out the last word like an insult. Just then Ajax came across the COM.

"Sir, we have five rebel ships coming fast."

"On screen!"

Kyle watched as five rebel crafts broke formation and headed for their ship. They split in five different directions and came at the Destiny from all angles. The space station began firing again and Kyle pulled the gun controls up on his console.

"O.K. Terry, keep an eye on any ship I'm not shooting, Dad, take over helm controls and find me a target, I'm sick of these bastards causing me trouble." The Destiny began her deadly dance. Hugh flew the ship in and out of the firing lanes of the enemy ships without so much as a hit. He zipped around behind the first ship he chose. Kyle locked the guns onto him and began to fire full out. The ship tried to run and dodge but the Destiny could out maneuver it at half speed. It didn't take long for the other four ships to try to come up behind them; Kyle targeted the engine systems and the weapons systems in the craft he was shellacking. He left them there as sitting ducks. Hugh flipped the Destiny head over tail, and headed back into the other four ships. Kyle was handy with the weapons system and took out the helm controls on the lead ship. He fired another volley and the third ship back exploded. The ship behind it tried to dodge, but they flew right into the burning hull of the ship that had been in front of them. They tried to pull out of the wreckage, but their engine had taken critical damage a few seconds later they too were destroyed. Hugh flew over all of this and spun back around. Kyle had just locked onto the still functioning ship when he saw another explosion. The lead ship, whose helm control he had destroyed had just flown strait into the fully disabled ship. He had meant to disable them and leave them, but he felt very little pity for the people who had destroyed his world.

"Kyle, pay attention," Terry yelled, "There's still one ship that's operational. They just flew over us and are trying to escape, should we follow them?"

Kyle knew this was an important question. On the one hand, they were no longer a threat. On the other, they had destroyed his entire planet and his way of life, they had killed his father, they had come here to kill him and his love, and they didn't deserve to live. But was that a choice he could make? He thought back to all that he had learned since his planet had been destroyed and what entered his mind first was the speech his father had given them about self-defense. The danger was over, if he used his force to kill them, he would be just like them.

"Stand down, let them go." Kyle said through clenched teeth. He had made the right choice; he didn't have to be happy about it.

"Good boy." Hugh said. "You did learn something."

Kyle turned back to his COM screen and told Ajax to get him the Chief. A second later he was there, and Kyle saw that a larger man was holding him down on his desk. Kyle looked and saw it was the shopkeeper.

"Howdy Captain Kyle, The other shopkeepers and I had been planning a little coup for some time, but you made things a little easier. I thank you for your help. Rest assured this slime will be dealt with, as will all his guards who were against us. Maybe we can make this place something nice again. The rebels will pay when they come here as well. I've got to go take care of him, and then wash my hands. Look after Odey for me and take care boys. Hugh, Don't get them into to much trouble." The shopkeeper said with a grin.

"I won't, I'm more worried about them getting me into trouble. Be safe John." Replied Hugh.

With that the screen went blank.

Kyle fell back in his chair and breathed a sigh. Terry took in all the scans, and saw that they had taken relatively no damage. All systems were one hundred percent. He told Kyle about the ship, and they both relaxed. Kyle got up from his chair and went over to Terry. He pulled him into a hug and then kissed him good and hard.

"Dad, get us on our way. I don't want to be here if that ship brings back friends. Terry, come with me. We've got a prisoner to figure out what to do with."

"No problem son. This should be the last time we encounter them. Their ships aren't made for distance travel. Even here is just barely in their range."

"That's good to know dad, I came really close to blowing that last one up. I'll be glad when I never have to worry about them again."

"I feel the same." Added Terry. " I don't think I could have let him go."

Hugh got the engines going as the boys headed down to the lowest deck, where their new guest was waiting. Kyle had gotten all the anger out and was ready to calmly take on anything. As Terry and Kyle made it to the holding cell, they heard Sepi's voice come over the speakers.

"Stop, stop, no stop, it's to much!"

Kyle and Terry ran through the door. They saw the boy from the Space station, with Sepi upside down in front of him. They were about to rush to his aid, when he flipped over and looked at them.

"What?" The spangler asked.

"What was all the stop, stop all about?" Terry asked.

"What? He was rubbing my belly. He's really good. You should hear the noises you two make when Kyle rubs your belly." Both boys blushed at that, but pulled themselves together. They looked at the new arrival. He was sitting on the bed on the room looking at them with his golden eyes. He watched them for a few seconds, and then burst into tears.

"Hey," Kyle said. "you can't start that yet, we haven't even started the torture." He said with a grin, the boy cried harder. "Hey calm down I was only kidding. You're alright, relax kid."

"Yeah," Terry added, "I'm not mad, relax. We're not going to hurt you, we want to help. Care to tell us what your running from that's so bad you had to blast me?"

The little silver boy wiped his eyes and looked up at the two, he sniffled, and tried to keep from crying. Kyle had trouble figuring out how old the kid was. From one angle he looked almost as old as them, from another he looked as young as 6 or so. He wasn't much shorter than them, but after what Kyle had seen at the station, looks could be deceiving. The little silver boy looked up at Kyle. Kyle's eyes got wide as he herd a voice in his head.

**Hi Kyle, I know you won't hurt me now. ** Kyle looked with amazement over at Terry and saw that he had the same look on his face. He was hearing it to.

The silver boy looked at them both and began to speak.

"I know you two have a lot of questions, I've seen them in your mind. I'll try to answer as many of them as possible but, first I want to say I'm sorry for what I did on the station. I was scared, and I needed to get out of there before they found me. I can't go back. I won't."

To Be Continued...

Author's Notes:

Well, chapter 4 is in the bag. I hope you liked it. I stand by the fact that the end is not a cliffhanger and I have str8mayb's seal of approval on that. I'll pick up with Odey's story in the next chapter. So until then, Kyle and Terry, thank you for flying Destiny air, please put all tray tables and seat backs in their upright positions, and as always, thanks for playing


Editor's Notes:

Hey Taron, that was a great chapter. I like Odey. He is cool, and I am sure he will be a fine addition to the crew of the Destiny. I have to ask if he is any relation to Odo? Does he have to sleep in a bucket? Kyle and Terry seem to like him now, which is good. I am very glad Sepi talked them into rescuing him.

I knew that space station commander was a bad guy, the minute we saw him. I'm glad the shopkeeper and the others took care of him and his guards once and for all. Well I guess I have said enough for now, and all I can do is sit here and wait for the next chapter to get finished and sent to me to edit. Hurry up! I am really ready for the next chapter. I have twenty truckloads of commas on hand for just such an emergency. 'Goos' sent them to me by Dragon Express. And with the current exchange rate I got them for a song. I gave him a copy of "Puff the Magic Dragon" for them. We were both quite happy.


AKA The Radio Rancher