The Love I Lost and Found Again

Chapter Two

As the smell of frying bacon wafted through the house, the two teens in Jake's bedroom began to stir and a new drama was about to unfold as they woke up and found themselves close together. They were embarrassed and shocked to be so close; holding one another, but as they tried to separate from each other's embrace, one of them, still half asleep, pulled the other back to him. Although they were still slightly embarrassed at the rather compromising position they had found themselves in, they decided that they liked the closeness and that it felt good so they settled back together and enjoyed it.

"What happened last night?" David asked Jake curiously.

"We talked until early in the morning and I guess we fell asleep," Jake replied.

"But in each other's arms? Isn't that Gay???" David questioned, now slightly concerned.

"Only if you think so, but we both needed the comfort and I know I felt better being held in your arms. I really missed you after the wonderful time we had at the lake. I am truly sorry we had to leave like that. I hope we can become good friends and keep in touch. That is, if you wanna? But I have to warn you, David, I am a really touchy and feely sorta guy and with my mother being gone, I really need to get hugs as well as give them. And you seemed to need my hugs last night as well." Jake paused to catch his breath and look into David's eyes to see if he could tell what David was thinking. Jake was so lost looking into the intoxicating deep blue pools that were David's eyes, that he almost missed David's quiet response.

"I need hugs too." David meekly replied, trying to deal with all the emotions he was feeling. Part of him wanted to punch Jake out and call him FAG, Cocksucker and Queer and run screaming out of the room! However, the other side of his brain slapped him upside the head and reminded him of how miserable he was when he thought Jake was out of his life. And then his conscience, in a very low blow, reminded David of many dreams Jake was in; and the feelings those dreams evoked. A moment of epiphany occurred and finally, David's mind made a decision.

"Dammit, I don't want this! I don't want to be Gay!!! Why me; why now? Jake, do you still want to be friends with me, even if I think I am GAY and have strange feelings for you, that I shouldn't have for a friend?" A very anxious David asked, as he slowly lifted his head and looked over at Jake. David was completely stunned and confused by the look he was receiving from Jake, as he was sitting on the bed with his mouth wide open and his jaw nearly hitting the floor. That look David could understand as it made sense due to the bombshell he had just dropped. The look he couldn't understand was the look in Jake's eyes; rather than revulsion or pity he saw amazement and something he thought was love, but that couldn't be could it?

Jake sat there completely and totally stunned at what he had just heard. 'Wishes do come true.' he thought. He started to respond to David's question but nothing would come out and he waited too long to do it.

"Da....Da... David did you just say you were GAY?" Asked Jake in an incredulous voice.

David jumped off the bed and ran blindly towards the door; sobbing uncontrollably as he ran. But before he could get very far from the bed he was tackled and thrown to the floor. When he recovered from Jake bowling him over, he tried to push Jake off of him to no avail. Jake not being as strong as David began to weaken, so in an act of desperation he planted as tender and loving a kiss as he was capable of, on the completely flummoxed David.

"What the he...?" David tried to get out, before the smarter half of his brain kicked in and he started kissing Jake back with as much passion as he could muster. Later, neither one could remember whose tongue was first; but by then they didn't care. As much as they wanted to continue kissing and exploring their feelings; being teenagers, and the bottomless pits they were; their growling stomachs won out. As they untangled themselves and got to their feet, they whispered to each other.


Quickly straightening their clothes, they turned towards the door when suddenly their hearts stopped and in unison, they shouted.

"Oh Shit, Oh My God! Are we in trouble now!"

David stood there in total shock and embarrassment looking at the picture on the door in front of them. He was totally mortified to be caught in such a compromising position by his father and Jake's; he started crying again and started to fall to the floor. Before he could fall very far, Jake quickly grabbed him and pulled him into a bear hug and began whispering into David's ear. Jake had no idea where he got the strength to pick up David but he had more important things on his mind.

"Shhhsshh David, it is okay, really it is okay. Just calm down for a minute so I can explain." The wheels in Jake's mind were spinning at a frantic pace. While in one mind he was laughing like crazy at the picture; in his other mind, he was furious at what their fathers were doing to David.

"What do you mean it is going to be okay? How could it be okay??? They saw us looking like FAG's"? David was almost shouting his reply.

Since the slow and cautious approach wasn't working, Jake threw caution to the wind, grabbed David and put a lip lock on him to end all lip locks. David quit his hysterics and started to return the passionate kiss from Jake. As soon as he knew he had David's attention, Jake broke off the kiss getting a startled,

"What?" From David, "Why did you stop?"

"Because, now that I have your attention and you are calmed down enough to listen; oh well maybe not calmed down everywhere." Jake looked at David's rising belt as he said that and gave David a peck on the nose.

I have a few questions to ask you and I want you to answer my questions before you interrupt. Do you understand me? Jake asked of a now surprisingly docile David.

At David's nod of acquiescence, Jake pulled David back over to the bed and sat both of them down; slightly apart so he could see David's eyes.

"Okay David, where were you last night when that picture was taken?" Jake asked, as the first of his questions.

David started to sputter an answer when Jake placed a finger on his lips and said.

"Just answer the question, David."

"Okay, I was lying on your bed in your arms," David answered, turning bright red as he did.

"Now, where were you when you woke up?" Was the next question posed by Jake.

"In the same place as when I went to sleep, why?" Was David's now curious reply. 'Where is Jake going with these questions?' David was thinking.

"Okay, I only have two more questions and I will ask them together. Alright?" Jake queried David.

"You're the Boss, Jake," David replied with a grin, still having no idea where Jake was going with his questions.

"When our Dads took the picture, did they yell and scream at us? Were either one of us beaten or thrown out.....? Jakes questioning was interrupted by David's shout.

"He wouldn't do that he wouldn't beat..............Ahh, he didn't did he? He still loves me, even if he thinks I am GAY! But I don't know if I am; I just know I feel really strange when you are not around, Jake. But he didn't have to embarrass me with that picture." Was David's indignant reply, as he finally figured out where Jake had been going with his questions.

"David, they embarrassed BOTH of US, don't forget! I am glad you still like me and don't worry; I won't push you into doing something you don't want to. But we need to do something to get our parents back! We can figure out the Friend/Boyfriend stuff later as long as you want to be friends with me." Jake responded, cautiously looking David right in the eyes.

David didn't bother responding verbally he just grabbed Jake and kissed him on the forehead then the nose and then on the lips. When he finished the kiss and before Jake could catch his breath David asked with a smirk on his face.

"Do I need to say more?"

Jake then said, "Let's go get cleaned up."

Choose Str8mayb Shower SceneChoose Str8mayb Shower Scene ("Str8mayb Shower Scene<\/p>\r\n<p align=\"justify\">David had mixed emotions as Jake led him into the bathroom; Joy, Jubilation and terror. He wanted to learn everything about Jake, and he wanted to explore with Jake and he was completely terrified of that too. For so very long he had been damn near homophobic and terrified that he might be gay and now when he was facing that very real possibility with excitement he was quite confused. He decided that now was not the time to figure anything out. Now was the time to let a couple of his secret dreams come true.<\/p>\r\n<p align=\"justify\">Jake closed the door behind David and threw the lock. Then turned back and Kissed his friend. He hugged him and slowly raised his shirt over his head. David followed suit and removed Jakes shirt. Then Davids pants fell followed by Jakes. Both boys stepped out of their pants and stood in their well-tented boxers looking at each other.<\/p>\r\n<p align=\"justify\">\"God, you're beautiful, Jake.\"<\/p>\r\n<p align=\"justify\">\"Ah, I'd prefer being handsome, if you don't mind.\"<\/p>\r\n<p align=\"justify\">That seemed to break the tension that had been building between the two boys. They each removed their boxers. Both gave a sigh of relief in that they were both at the same stage of development and both about the same size. Jake turned and turned on the water and adjusting the temperature.<\/p>\r\n<p align=\"justify\">\"Come on, let's get cleaned up,\" Jake said and entered the shower. When David followed him in, Jake handed him the soap and said, \"You wash me then I'll wash you.\"<\/p>\r\n<p align=\"justify\">David took the soap in trembling hands and worked up a lather and started on Jakes back. He didn't know what to do when he got to the top of Jakes cute bubble butt. He paused just imagining what it would feel like to have those in his hands.<\/p>\r\n<p align=\"justify\">Jake moved his legs further apart so David would have better access. David took the hint and began soaping the cheeks of Jakes ass. 'Oh, God I have my best friends naked ass cheeks in my hands, and it feels so good.' Jake shifted and David's right hand went into the crevice between the mounds.<\/p>\r\n<p align=\"justify\">Jake moaned and whispered, \"Oh yeah, nice.\"<\/p>\r\n<p align=\"justify\">David was shocked but moved his hand up and down causing more moans, especially the lower he went. David realized he was washing Jakes hole, and it wasn't totally gross, it was HOT!<\/p>\r\n<p align=\"justify\">He then worked on down to Jakes' feet. Jake then turned around, \"Now do my front. And don't forget the good stuff.\"<\/p>\r\n<p align=\"justify\">David blushed and worked up to Jakes hard tool and skipped that to continue up his stomach and chest. Then he soaped up his hands again and gently cleaned Jakes penis. He was so gentle and loving the Jake did not achieve the release he was hoping for but realized David was loving him in a totally different way. He rinsed off and Jake handed him the soap and they traded places.<\/p>\r\n<p align=\"justify\">Jake was not as shy as David had been. He hurried some places but lingered on others that he had enjoyed. When he finished with David, who also missed his orgasm. When they were drying off they could hear their Dads downstairs. Jake noticed that he and David were still sporting full erections.<\/p>\r\n<p align=\"justify\">\"David, I got it, perfect revenge!\"")


Choose The Radio Rancher Shower SceneChoose The Radio Rancher Shower Scene ("The Radio Rancher Shower Scene<\/p>\r\n<p>&#160;<\/p>\r\n<p align=\"justify\">The two boys headed into the bathroom together. Jake showed David where everything was kept.<\/p>\r\n<p align=\"justify\">\"David, I have several new toothbrushes; you can have whichever one you want, and there are several different kinds of deodorant in the medicine cabinet over the left-hand sink there.\"<\/p>\r\n<p align=\"justify\">\"Thanks, Jake.\"<\/p>\r\n<p align=\"justify\">&#160;<\/p>\r\n<p align=\"justify\">The boys looked at each other and then they looked at the huge shower. There were two shower heads that faced each other and one facing down from the ceiling. The jets all pointed to one spot in the center or the shower room. There were also shower heads that were attached to hoses and those could be positioned into any position that you wanted them in. The two boys turned on the permanently mounted shower heads and basked in the feelings that the pulsating water gave them. They were looking into each other's eyes and smiling broadly.<\/p>\r\n<p align=\"justify\">There were feelings that the boys were sharing; feelings of love and other more pressing ones as well. Jake picked up the shower gel, and began to lather David's body. He gently washed the boy he loved, and the feelings that made themselves known, were beyond anything he had ever felt in his entire life. David's eyes widened, and Jake could see that David was having similar feelings to the ones he was having. David picked up the shower gel and put a generous amount of it on Jake's chest, and began to follow the lead that Jake had taken. The two boys gently cleaned each other and then slowly moved closer and closer, until the cleaning process became a little less important. They each reached around the other's back and pulled each other into a tight hug. They soon found each other's mouths and began to kiss each other; gently at first, but as they kissed, they soon began to press harder, and their mouths opened. Tongues touched each other, and the emotions that passed between the boys began to flower. If anyone were to be watching the two teens, they would have seen the love between them grow to gigantic proportions. It was a beautiful sight to behold.<\/p>\r\n<p align=\"justify\">Finally, they broke their kiss and rinsed each other off. They turned off the shower and stepped out into the bathroom Jake handed David a towel and picked up another one then they dried each other gently and lovingly.<\/p>\r\n<p align=\"justify\">\"I think we ought to teach our dads a lesson,\" said David. \"we should sneak downstairs and...")

The boy's sneaked down the stairs as quiet as church mice and when they reached the third step from the bottom they paused and removed their clothes, folding and then placing them on the step above them. They grabbed each other's hand and then carefully walked down the remaining steps and then walked into the Dining Room/Kitchen with their youthful morning pointers leading the way.

Michael was setting the table and Bill was pouring Orange Juice when the boys walked in and said;

"Morning Dad's"

Bill and Michael turned to say hello to their respective son's and they both almost keeled over in shock at seeing their sons in nothing but ear to ear smiles. The only sound anyone heard was the sound of the pitcher hitting the floor and Bill and Michael's gasps of breath.

The boys quickly ran out of the room laughing like crazy; they picked up their clothes and started getting dressed. If you have ever tried to get dressed on stairs while laughing you can understand why it took them forever.

Bill started to take after the boys with fire in his eyes but stopped dead in his tracks because Michael was rolling on the floor laughing.

Bill asked Michael, "What the hell you laughing at?"

"You!" Answered Michael, pointing at Bill.

Before Bill could respond, Michael continued,

"I think WE'VE been busted big time!"

Bill responded, now under control, as he realized what had just happened to him and Michael.

"They weren't that big, were they?" Asked Bill, with a leer.

"We heard that and it wasn't nice." Came wafting down from the stairs.

"Come on down boys; we owe you an apology," Michael responded to the giggled response from the two boys.

Michael whispered to Bill, "When they come down, we each need to give our own son a hug and then the other one. Hopefully, they will forgive us."

David and Jake came back downstairs and into the Dining Room very timidly; still holding hands and walking so close to each other they might have been in each other's pockets.

Michael and Bill walked over and hugged their sons and then hugged the other teen. Bill and Michael told each teen they were sorry for embarrassing them and we will try not to do it again unless you ask for it.

At the last words, both teens cried "Dadddddddddddd!!!"

When what was to become a family sat down for breakfast, the conversation was a bit strained; especially since the boys were sitting across from each other instead of next to each other. The boys were unable to comfort each other outside of sharing glances back and forth. Finally, Michael started speaking,

"Boys, we have a few things to say to you, and before you start getting uptight they are all good; and I can guarantee you will be much happier when we are done."

 David and Jake just sat there shaking their heads and looking at each other for support. Michael and Bill reached over and gave their son's shoulder a squeeze trying to convey their love and support to their sons.

"Jake, your father has told me quite a bit about you and some of your problems, and I have a lot of respect for you. The fact that you are gay just means to me that there is more of you to love. It isn't important who you sleep with and I do believe that you have no choice regarding your orientation. If David is in love with you and you are in love with him, I will give you all the love and support I have...................."

"Dad I am..........." David interrupted his father.

"David, you are not listening. I never said you were 'GAY' and if you were, I don't care; you are my son and I love unconditionally, and yes; there are times I want to strangle you, and yes you do drive me crazy at times, but then you are just being a kid. But, and this is a big but; I still love you; you are still my son and if you and Jake do become a couple then I will love him just as much as I love you. Do you understand me now? Michael spoke to everyone at the table but was looking directly into David's eyes and would not look away even when both pairs of eyes misted over with tears.

When Michael had finished, David jumped out of his chair and threw himself at Michael.

"Daddeeeeeeeee you still love me even if I love Jake? I don't know anything yet except that I have these strange feelings for him and don't want to let him out of my site."{This one's for you Str8mayb} David was pouring out his feelings as fast as he could, in between tears.

Jake looked over at his Dad who nodded yes; Jake got up out of his chair, went over to his dad, and gave him a quick hug and kiss. He then went over and tapped Michael on the shoulder.


"Call me Michael, Jake." Michael interrupted Jake as David was climbing into Michael's lap; burying his head in his father's shoulder while crying tears of JOY!

"Okay Michael, yes I am 'Gay' and it is just part of who I am! I do love your son but we are still working out where we are going from here on out. David isn't sure yet what he is, but whatever he works out we will remain very close friends. He has apologized to me for the horrible things he said to me. We have decided to take things one step at a time and one day at a time. We still have a lot of things to work out but we will do that. I want to say thank you for accepting me for who I am and if things do progress that far I would love to have you as a Father-In-Law" Jake told Michael, in a flurry, as his words just tumbled out, while trying to remain under control with all of the emotions running through his body. Jake then gave Michael and David a hug and kissed Michael on the forehead. Before he went over and joined his Dad Jake whispered "I love you." to David.

Jake headed over to his Dad and emulated David, doing something he only did when he needed comforting; he climbed into his Dad's lap; hugging him and after kissing his cheek, Jake said, calmly and deliberately,

"I love you so much I can't tell you; but if you ever tell anyone again that I am gay witho..." Jake couldn't finish talking because his dad had placed a finger across his lips.

"Jake, Son, I would never do that unless it was absolutely necessary; Michael needed to know that, and also that I still loved you and always will. He needed to know that to understand what was bothering David and to know that I would have no problems if you and David started dating. Michael had a vague idea of what David's problem was but he didn't want David to get hurt if David was gay and you were straight. I will never do anything to deliberately hurt you or "Out" you. In this case, I thought it was completely necessary and I can see that you understand.........." Bill was silenced this time by the crushing hug Jake was giving him and the fact that Jake had kissed him on the lips and then the cheek.

Jake just relaxed against his father's chest secure in his love and care.

Bill looked across the table and saw Michael sitting there with a wonderful look of love and contentment on his face while David was sound asleep in his arms a look of peace on his face.

Breakfast was getting cold but no one cared as they were basking in the warmth of the love, flowing around the room.

Bill and Jake took all of the plates back into the kitchen, reheated what they could and then cooked more of what was needed. When they were finished, they brought the food back to the Dining Room table. Bill then walked over to Michael and David and carefully woke David up by shaking him lightly and kissing him on the forehead. When David woke up, he was groggy; and before he knew what was going on Bill was carrying him over to Jake.

"Shush little one it is okay, you are among friends; just wake up so you can eat. I don't want my son's new best friend to waste away to nothing before I get to know him." Bill told a surprised David, who gave him a hug.

David woke up enough so Bill was able to put him down. David then walked over to Jake and gave him a quick hug while whispering "Thanks" and then went to his seat and began shoveling food into his mouth as fast as he could which of course caused everyone else to comment.

"I can see where I rate," Jake said laughingly to which David replied.

"What?" Very innocently.

Michael and Bill replied together "Typical teenager; you put food in front of them and the crisis disappears!"

"Well I am a growing boy and I do have to fill all of my growing parts" David responded with a smirk in his voice and a grin for Jake.

"TMI!!!" Shouted the two Dads while Jake turned a brilliant shade of crimson as he tried not to break out laughing.

Everyone settled down and finished eating breakfast, and then the boys did the dishes and cleaned up the Dining Room and Kitchen while Michael and Bill went into the Den to talk about some adult stuff like 'School'.

When the boys were done with the cleaning, they went back to Jake's room to straighten it up and bring some clothes down to the Laundry Room to wash, so David could get out of Jake's sweats which only just fit him. When they got to the room and closed the door slightly they saw the "PICTURE" again.

"Jake, even though I... we... are not exactly boyfriends or lovers yet, I really do care for you a lot... and I have an idea I would like you to think about."

"What would that be?" A very curious Jake asked David.

"Well.... it is... like this..."

"Spit it out David; remember I do love you," Jake replied, as he smiled warmly at David.

"I want to have this picture framed and hung in your room to always remind us of the night we became.... friends for life!' David was finally able to sputter out.

Jake stood there in total and absolute shock at what had just come out of David's mouth. But he absolutely loved it and fell even deeper in love with David.

"Are you sure David? I think that is a wonderful idea, but you realize that anyone who sees the picture will jump to the conclusion that we are both 'Gay'!" was Jake's loving response as he walked over and gave David a hug.

"Let them! I don't care; I want you to know how glad I was to see you again and I want you to always remember how much I do care about you!" David responded very forcefully and then kissed Jake on the lips stifling any response Jake could make.

Needless to say, when Jake and David approached their fathers with the idea, there was stunned silence in the Den.

"David, are you sure you want to do this? This is a very big step no matter what happens in the future. Have you thought carefully about this?" Asked a very concerned and loving father.

Jake responded by placing his finger across David's lips and then speaking;

"Michael, I asked him the same question and explained the consequences of that action. David still wants to do it! He wants everyone to know how important I am to him, even if we do not become boyfriends and remain only as he said 'Friends for Life'. He stopped me from asking any more questions very convincingly, so you can believe he really wants to do this." Jake replied to the stunned fathers who were then stunned even further when David pulled Jake into a hug and gave him a very loving kiss on the lips.

"If that is the case son, would you like me to make a copy of it and have that framed so you can hang it in your room at home? Michael asked his son.

David responded by rushing across the room and hugging and kissing his father to death.

"I guess that answers that question." Laughed Bill.

The week of David's suspension went by very quickly, with the boys growing closer and closer together. They were never far apart or apart for very long. Jake would read the Student Handbook to David and then ask him what the section meant and they also went over The Athletic Team handbook until David could recite both of them by heart. Jake offered to help David write his essay, since he was an excellent writer and an "A" student in English. To his credit and his father's joy; Michael just happened to be walking by the den at the time, David said no it is my punishment; but you can proofread it for me and help me with my spelling. Jake agreed and David moved the 'Goos' Neck Lamp out of his way and set to work.

Unknown to the boys, while their bond was getting stronger, their fathers found themselves in a similar position, although both thought themselves straight; they both had experienced the joys of male to male sex in High School and College. Neither Michael nor Bill had been tempted or strayed while their wives were still alive, but as they spent more and more time together, they found their attraction to each other growing daily. Without the boys' knowledge, they had slept together several nights while their sons were sleeping over. Bill and Michael, like their sons, had decided just to sleep together until they were sure where their feelings and their relationship was going. Bill and Michael weren't sure where their relationship was going, but for the boys' sake, they decided to look for a bigger house for both families to share. Since the boys were so wrapped up in each other, they never noticed how much or how close an eye their Dad's were keeping on them. Both Bill and Michael had concluded by Wednesday, that David and Jake were in love with each other and were determined to help them in every way. Bill used his position at the school to change a few of Jake's classes to the same ones as David; that way Jake could help David with his homework and David could help Jake socially.

When David and Jake had finished with all of David's punishment detail, they found out that although Jake was not much of an athlete, he knew more about baseball than David did. Jake was a walking Stat Book and not only that but his knowledge of Baseball Theory and Mechanics surpassed Coach Anderson's. Jake had every one of David's Stats memorized, which amazed David and Michael both. Jake agreed to play catch with David if David would take it a little easy on him. David agreed and little by little Jake actually began to like playing catch with David.

What neither of the boys knew was the fact that Coach Anderson was very worried about David, not only for his Baseball Team, but David personally. David's verbal abuse of Jake was so far out of character that Coach Anderson thought David might have a medical problem such as a Bipolar Disorder. Coach Anderson knew first hand how serious that could be as his oldest sister suffered from it. His sister was a wonderful person when she was taking her medication, but when she was not; you never knew which person you would get; the overly happy one who laughed at everything, or the one who would bite your head off if you even looked at her. Michael explained exactly what David's problem was to Coach Anderson as they had attended many school and athletic events together over the years, and had developed a deep respect for each other. Once Coach Anderson heard the reasons and how David was making out, he told Michael that Scott, David's Catcher, would be over on Thursday to start working with David. No one had any idea of how important that phone call would be, and how much it would affect the lives of all parties.

Bill and Michael had found a few houses they liked and were trying to decide between two very similar ones; the main differences were in layout, not specifications. After going through the two of them again, they finally decided on one. The one they decided on had Two Master Bedroom Suites, located at opposite ends of the house. There were also three guest bedrooms and a Den as well as an Office. The one they chose had a similar kitchen layout to Bill and Jake's, which all four of them loved. This kitchen was much better as everything was professional grade equipment and laid out for a Gourmet Chef. David would be in heaven as he loved to cook and as good as Bill and Michael were, David was even better. Jake was very happy with David's Culinary Skills as he could burn "Snow" just ask his Scoutmaster :).

 Both houses had large almost Olympic Size Pools, which would come in very handy as David found swimming to be the perfect exercise for baseball because it stretched and strengthened muscles without tightening or bulking his muscles up. Although Jake wasn't very athletic, he could out swim and out dive David, but that is another story for another time. The deciding factor was the beautiful patio and its mammoth built-in barbecues with a mountain of Mesquite Charcoal and a 100 Gallon Draconic Propane Tanks for the Gas Barbecue. These were the best Barbecues Weber and Viking made and added several Thousands of Dollars to the price of the house. Michael knew David would need a change of clothes once he saw the patio.

Michael and Bill arrived home and had just gone into the dining room and were about to walk through the sliding glass doors just as Scott was being introduced to Jake. Michael, knowing what was about to happen, reached out and grabbed a hold of Bill and placed a finger across his lips. Michael then leaned over and whispering into Bill's ear said;

"Do not be alarmed at whatever happens; I used to think Scott and David were going to be married."

Bill lightly chomped on Michael's finger and whispered back,

"As long Jake doesn't get hurt."

David brought Scott into the backyard and started introducing him to Jake, but he never got the chance, as Scott had noticed the look on his old best friends face when he caught sight of Jake. Scott was very happy to see David back to his old self and was also glad that David had finally come to his senses.

"Are you going to introduce me to your Boyfriend, or are you just going to stand there like a bump on a log?" Scott then turned to Jake and said,

"I'm Scott, the Dufus's best friend, and you are his new boyfriend, and your name is?"

Jake hesitantly answered "Jake, nice to meet you Scott; I think...."

Before Jake could say anything, he was enveloped in a bear hug by Scott, who whispered into Jake's ear.

"I am very glad you are in David's life; he has needed you for a long time, but didn't know it. Scott then left Jake catching flies, while he went over to greet his old friend.

As Scott left Jake, Michael whispered quietly, "here it comes."

Scott then walked over to his best friend and with one powerful punch, knocked David's lights out.

Michael yelled out to Jake, "No Jake don't interfere! Everything is okay!" While physically restraining Bill from going to aid David.

While Michael was trying to control Bill and Jake, Scott was calmly walking over to the hose and turned on the spigot. He then dragged the hose {Not nose, Str8mayb} over to where David was lying on the ground, just starting to move; he then sprayed David with the hose until David started to sputter.

Scott turned the nozzle off, laid the hose on the ground and then reached down and picked David up as if he weighed nothing, Looked David straight in the eyes he said;

"Don't you ever lie to me again! Got it? Now, let's see if you can still pitch."

While Scott and David were making up, Michael stepped over to the screen door and said;

"Jake, come here please."

"Let me explain what just happened and why I let it happen. I know both of you are very upset with me for letting my son get hit like that and I know you won't believe me when I say he deserved it....."

Bill started to respond angrily, but Jake stopped him by saying;

"Dad, he is my boyfriend, not yours, and Michael loves his son he wouldn't let anything like that happen to David unless there was a very good reason." Jake then turned to Michael and said;

"And You Damn Well Better Have A Very Good Reason!!!!"

Michael quickly started speaking before Bill could respond to his son's outburst of swearing.

"When Michael was a Freshman in High School, I had a long talk with him about being 'Gay', Straight or Bi-Sexual. I had wondered about Him and Scott for several years and the fact that David never had a girlfriend for more than a few weeks. I told him that no matter what his orientation, I would still love him. He said okay and gave me a big hug. Before he left the room I told him that he should tell Scott if he was 'Gay' or 'Bi' as he would be lying to his best friend if he didn't. He said he would, but I didn't really believe him as he did not look me in the eye as he left. Scott and David have been friends since the moment they were born. They were born virtually at the same time in the same room and have been together ever since; well until this year and now we know why. I found out several months after our talk that Scott had asked David if he was 'Gay'; David denied it; Scott then told me that he still loved David as a friend, and that Scott was straight but he honestly believed David was 'Gay'. Scott couldn't have cared less about David being gay, but David lying to him hurt!" Michael paused to catch his breath.

"Michael, I don't know if I could have done what you just did, but I do respect you for letting your son get his just desserts." Was Bill's heartfelt reply as he walked over and hugged Michael and without thinking, gave him a loving kiss on the lips. He realized his mistake when Jake gasped.

"What? You think you two are the only ones who know how to kiss around here?" Bill asked his son.

Jake walked over and shoved his Dad out of the way and gave Michael as big a hug as he could and then said,

"Michael, I respect and love you more every day; you just showed me how much you really love David by what you just did. I can only imagine how much letting Scott hit your only son must have hurt you. However, you just proved that a real loving person stands by what is right, even if it hurts. Can I call you Pop from now on, no matter what happens with David and Me? I would love that very much."

Bill nodded yes to Michael, who then leaned down and kissed Jake on his forehead and said,

"I would love that very much."

"Kewl!!!" Was Jake's response before he rushed out into the backyard.

The next thing Bill and Michael heard was a loud smack and then Jake's voice;

"Don't you ever lie to your best friend Scott again, or you will have to deal with me also, and you might end up sleeping with ice cubes!!!"

Bill and Michael rushed over to the door and broke out laughing at the sight that met their eyes. Scott was rolling on the grass laughing his head off. The next thing they saw was the over six foot muscular David with a very sheepish look on his face towering over the five foot six inch Jake who was still letting his boyfriend have it.

Scott finally got control of himself, got up from the grass walked over and picked up Jake in a bear hug from behind, while saying;

"Enough Jake, you made your point, he won't do it again. Will you David?" David shook his head vigorously, NO!

"Now kiss and make up so we can get some pitching done." Scott finished, and then tossed Jake into his boyfriend's arms while he went to get his catchers mitt and a baseball.

Jake watched the two of them for a while and he noticed a flaw in Scott's return throws. He didn't say anything for a while and then he noticed that David had a flaw in his delivery whenever he threw a changeup.

"David, you are telegraphing your change up, you are opening up more and releasing it sooner."

Scott looked over at Jake, then at David and his gears started spinning. He then got back in his crouch and called for a fastball followed by a changeup and then another fastball. He jumped up and ran over picked up Jake and almost hugged him to death.

"David, he is right; how does he know that? I have been catching you for years and never noticed it."

"Well Scott, Jake has been rigorously studying baseball inside and out for years, and somehow he knows more about me and my pitching and stats then I do. I am amazed myself at how much he does know. We have been talking about this stuff for a few days and I now know he might be able to help both of us." David told Scott while smiling with pride at Jake.

"Hmm well, we will just have to see how much he really does know, won't we?" Scott replied, while finally setting Jake down.

"Scott, if you try to straighten up just a bit and raise your arm angle just ten degrees, you will find it much easier to make your return throws and you should increase your caught stealing percentage by at least twenty five percent," Jake informed Scott, while looking directly into Scott's eyes and never looking away.

"Okay Little Guy, I will try it just to humour you." Scott and David went back to their positions and started practicing again. Scott making slight adjustments on his return throws each time and finally, something clicked. He then tried the same thing three times in a row and it worked flawlessly.

"David, move back to where Second Base would be; we can practice throwing down to second?"

David, as usual, didn't bother with a reply; he just moved back to where Second Base would be.

Scott tried the first couple of throws his old way and then changed to Jake's way and all of a sudden David never had to move or lift his glove, the ball was flying directly into the glove right on the corner of the base. Scott jumped up screaming, "Nationals here we come!"

This time Jake was much wiser, and quickly ran and hid behind David as his ribs were still hurting from Scott's enthusiastic hugs.

During the rest of the practice, Jake made several small suggestions to David about his pitching motion and using his legs and height more. Suddenly David had added several more MPHs to his fastball and almost a foot of break to his curveball. By the time they were finished, Scott and David knew they had a new secret weapon for their baseball team. Now they just had to convince Jake.

Things continued getting better for all involved and before they knew it, the Sunday night before David's return to school had arrived. Jake and David had a long and serious talk about what was going to happen at school on the morrow. David's brain had finally realized what his heart had known for a while.

"Jake," He said, smiling at his boyfriend, "I do love you with all my heart and soul. I dearly love you for letting me finally realize this without pressuring me. Will, you be my boyfriend and go steady with me?"

Jake responded the only way he knew how and it was several minutes before David's lips were free to talk.

The boys continued working on their plans for the next day and decided not to tell their fathers because they thought Michael and Bill might try and stop them.

Bill drove the two boys to school, letting them off several blocks away, since no senior of David's stature would be caught dead being driven to school by a parental unit, especially one who worked at the school. David had his meetings with the Dean, his counselor and then the Principal; as a result of his last meeting, the Principal called Coach Anderson and informed him that David would see him immediately after the Emergency Assembly that the Principal was calling now.

When all of the students had assembled in the auditorium, the Principal took the stage and began speaking. He went on about the Ethics Code and The Zero Tolerance Policy. Most of the students were almost asleep until he mentioned David's name.

"I have been asked to call this assembly so David can apologize to all of the Student Body, Coach Anderson and the student he verbally attacked. I give you David Dorn."

David took the stage, and after adjusting the microphone, began speaking,

"Before I apologize, I would like to ask Jake Patton to please join me up here on the stage."

At the rear of the auditorium, Michael had joined Bill as a result of some rumours Bill had heard. Michael agreed with Bill about what was going to happen, and he couldn't be prouder.

"Students, Faculty and Coaches, I am very sorry for my actions last week, and I would like to publicly apologize to my BOYFRIEND..................................................."

TBC or Not you decide.

Author's Notes:

Well here is Chapter Two of what was supposed to be a Short Story. A certain Editor and several other readers bugged me to continue the story so I finally caved and here it is. Coach Anderson's sister is based on a real person and her symptoms were as described. I also want to extend my thanks to The Radio Rancher and Str8mayb for helping make this chapter a reality. And Str8mayb is the author of several fine stories located on The Padded Room and The Radio Rancher also has several fine stories located on Cracker's Den make sure you check them out.

Editor's Note:

Well, If my vote counts, You had better continue it. This is a wonderful story. You have given us a great story. It has plot, intrigue, love and a great cast of characters. If you don't continue it I, for one will hound you mercilessly until you do. So there! We are all waiting with baited breath. Yuck worms don't taste very good.


AKA Radio Rancher