Priorities - Book Two

Chapter Eight: Celebration

*** ~~~ Roger ~~~ ***

Over the past couple of years, since Trevor and I figured out that the chances of us being adopted were pretty much none, we must have spent the equivalent of several days imagining what it would be like...having parents.

We'd talk about what they would say...what they would they'd treat us. Neither of us could have imagined that it would be as wonderful as it has been for him and I'm certain it will be for me.

As we were heading away from the courthouse after my adoption was final, I spent a few minutes remembering things Trevor and I had imagined. It made me happy to think of those things, even though, in my opinion, we both have things much better than we ever imagined. There was a part of me that felt bad; bad for those who we left behind.

“Roger? How did you feel when you heard the Judge say you were adopted?" Dad asked.

“Shocked. I knew it would happen, just not this suddenly. But I was...and am...very happy!" I said simply as I sat in the back seat of the car with my parents in front, I couldn't stop the tears of joy from running down my face. Trevor wanted to ride with me but his parents told him he should go home and change...that we'd have time to be together at the party. I understood what they were saying, but I would have preferred to have him with me.

I really need to learn to speak French. Mom and Dad were talking to each other and I couldn't understand a word they were saying, except it was probably about me since I heard my name frequently. Finally, Mom turned to me.

“I'm so sorry Roger. Henri and I are so used to speaking to each other in French that it completely slipped my mind that you weren't our natural son and couldn't understand what we were saying. Henri and I were discussing how wonderful it is that you are finally our son. We were discussing things like school, and how wonderful it is going to be with you in our lives. We were also discussing what we were going to serve at your celebration."

“I want to learn how to speak French. I think that would be cool!" I told her. She looked at Henri, I guess I should remember to refer to him as Dad, then back at me and smiled. At that point it occurred to me that I had no clothes at home. “Mama, I just realized I have no clothes at home, they're all at the orphanage."

Henri laughed before saying, “Do you really think Trevor would allow there to be nothing for you at home? The things you bought when you were with him that you hadn't taken with you back to the orphanage are in your room in the closet. I think he added more than you originally bought. I won't be surprised if you both have two complete wardrobes when you're all at our house and one at his."

I smiled--I knew Trevor wouldn't allow me to be without. As we arrived at home, I felt myself becoming really emotional--I finally had a home of my own. As I was walking up the stairs my phone beeped, looking at it caused me to smile yet was a message from Trevor. Texting is cool! This is what we said:

Trevor: I'm thinking about you!

Roger: I ALWAYS think about you ;)

Trevor: We're going to be leaving for the party soon. I guess I'll see you there.

Roger: Yeah…oh, thanks for making sure I had clothes here.

Trevor: I love you, Roger.

Roger: I love you more! See you at the party. XOXO

With a bounce in my step I continued to my room. I looked through the clothes Trevor had sent over for me and was amazed. Dad was right that there was probably twice as much as I'd left at Trevor's house after we went shopping.

I wondered what to wear. I looked at several outfits before thinking maybe I'd text Trevor and ask what he was wearing so I could coordinate...but then I thought that was just too mushy...even for me.

Looking through the clothes I noticed something that different from anything we'd bought together. It was a suit and the material looked like shark skin. It was grey with a bit of a bluish tint to it. With it was a powder blue button-down shirt and a deep blue tie with red stripes.

I put the clothes on and I looked stunning, even to myself, and I decided to wear that to the party. I went down to where my parents (damn it feels great to call them that!) were waiting. Mama took one look at me and said, “Hou la la! Ça te va bien! Un tel beau garçon!" After a momentary pause she blushed before saying, “I'm sorry, Roger. I said Wow! You look great, such a handsome boy!"

I guess I blushed too, before replying, “Merci Mama. I think it looks good you think Trevor will like it?"

Dad looked at me, stepped over and fixed my tie...I know how to tie one, but I guess I need some practice. As he was doing that he said, “Roger, if he doesn't think you look fantastic in those clothes, I'll ask his dads take him for an eye examination!"

We left the house and headed for the restaurant. Obviously, while we were home, Dad called and told the staff to get things ready. There was a sign outside that read, “Closed for a Private Event." There were already a lot of cars in the parking lot, and I noticed, sadly, that Trevor's parent's car wasn't there yet.

We got out of the car and went inside. I looked at all the people that were there...many of whom I didn't recognize but then I saw Mrs. Granger across the room. I wanted to go over to her and thank her and ask her to pass my thanks to the staff of the orphanage for taking care of me all these years when from behind someone reached over and covered my eyes.

I heard a voice I thought I recognized say, “Guess who!"

A moment later the penny dropped… “Alex? How did you get here?"

He uncovered my eyes and as I turned around Nigel wrapped himself around my middle giving me a huge hug. “Mrs. Granger came and got us out of class. She told us that you had been adopted and asked if we wanted to come to your celebration." Nigel said in his excited voice.

“Wow! That doesn't sound like Mrs. Granger!" I replied.

“Yeah, I know...but hush about it before she figures out who she really is!" Alex joked.

Alex wrapped me in his strong arms and gave me a hug. After releasing me he pushed my shoulders back and took a good look at me. “Damn, you clean up nice!"

I was shocked. It was such a nice thing for her to do, I had to go over and thank her for thinking of this. I approached Mrs. Granger…“Thank you so much for bringing Nigel and Alex. It means a lot to me." Then I think I surprised her when I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a hug...and a kiss on the cheek.

“I'm very happy for you, Roger. I am sure you will be fine with your new parents." She said in probably the nicest voice I've ever heard her direct at any of us.

Alex and Nigel were at my side for the next twenty minutes or so as I moved through the crowd, people I didn't know were offering me congratulations. It was kinda weird. Then I heard the chime indicating that the door had opened. I turned to see Trevor...entering. He was wearing a nearly identical suit to mine, other than his had a reddish tint. His shirt was burgundy in color and his tie was pink with purple lines diagonally situated on it.

I stared at him, unable to move my eyes from his. I heard Alex take a deep breath before saying, “Holy Shit! He cleans up nice too!"

To my perception, the room was empty, he and I were all there was in the entire world and I couldn't take my eyes off him. I watched as he approached getting a feeling that these pants were tight on me all of a sudden. Then what seemed like an eternity later, his arms were around me and his lips were on mine. I don't know how long we kissed but we were eventually aware of others around us--applauding.

Trevor broke our kiss and for a moment we merely stared into each other's eyes. I glanced over to where Nigel was standing in front of Andy with the older boy's arms around his torso. I glanced downward and had to try real hard to stifle my laughter...Nigel could have doubled as the main support for a circus tent. The younger boy looked at me with a smile and said, “Wow!"

We chatted for a few minutes more then we heard Dad trying to get everyone's attention. “Pardon everyone...Thank you all for coming to join us for this very happy day...both Marine and I appreciate you coming on such short notice. My wife and I are truly blessed. We have the most wonderful friends and now, our prayers have been answered. We have a son! Please, enjoy yourselves, today is truly a wonderful day!" He lifted a glass and said to the room, “À votre santé!" Then he took a drink.

The rest of the evening was a blur. Trevor never once left my side, even when I had to go to the bathroom! At one point we met up with Dad, Mama, Nick and Bobby. They were talking with Mrs. Granger.

“We wanted to thank you again for everything. I know you were just doing your job." My father said to her.

“Mr. DuChamp. It's the most pleasurable part of my job...facilitating the adoption of one of our boys. When it's one of the older boys, it's especially so. I want to apologize for our advocate attorney. She went overboard if I do say so." She turned to Trevor and me before she said, “Roger, Trevor...You two will be missed. I know I didn't seem to treat you two as if I liked you, but, I couldn't show favoritism. The two of you seem so happy together."

“Mrs. Granger...I don't know about Trevor, but I could tell you didn't really hate us like you wanted everyone to believe. I don't remember ever a time where you treated us badly."

Trevor and I then both hugged her, giving her matching kisses on opposite cheeks. Her face turned several shades of red, but she hugged us both back. I think I even saw a tear in her eye.

It was arranged that we would go to the orphanage on Saturday morning to get anything I wanted to take with me. Nobody would be moved into our room until Sunday.

About that time, Dad told me that Trevor and I could go into the office if we wanted to talk more privately...then he winked at me.

I led Trevor into the office and we sat together on one of the couches. I so wanted to kiss him...and more.

“I'm so very happy, Rog. We can now start our new lives...together. Tomorrow, I'll come get you and we'll go to school. I know you're going to love it. Then Friday night, you'll come home with us and spend the weekend. I love you so much and I'm happy we're going to have a chance to be together." He said.

“Oh, Trevor...I love you! I don't care about anything we do, as long as we can do it together."

We kissed. In my mind I wanted to drop to my knees, pull out his beautiful dick and make love to it with my mouth, but I knew we'd have time for that. We spent the next twenty minutes cuddling and kissing when we heard a knock on the door.

Upon opening it, we saw Alex with Nigel hiding behind him. He took a look at us and said, “Wow, you're still dressed."

I looked at him, a surprised expression on my face and asked, “Why wouldn't we be?"

He blushed, probably for the one of the first times since I've known him. “Well, I kinda thought you two might be doing…'stuff'."

Trevor and I laughed at that. Trevor then went to him and gave him a hug, then he pulled Nigel out from behind Alex and hugged him as well. “Alex, don't think the thought didn't cross my mind, and I think it probably crossed Roger's, but we can wait. There will be lots of time for that kind of stuff."

Alex blushed again when Nigel said, “Alex and me might do some stuff tonight, since it will just be the two of us in the room."

When I looked at Alex sternly he added, “Hey, it was his idea. When you two lip locked he told me his thingy got real hard and it hurt. He asked if there was anything he could do about it! I told him that I could show him some stuff tonight...if he wanted. He told me he did, so…" He trailed off.

Trevor pulled the younger boy over to a couch and then onto his lap. The two were talking quietly. I noticed Nigel's head nodding several times before he broke into a huge smile, hugged Trevor tightly around the neck and kissed him on his cheek. He then leapt from Trevor's lap and ran straight to Alex wrapping his arms around the older boy's waist. He tilted his head up and said, “Trevor told me that it was okay for me to tell you I think I love you."

Alex lost it. He cried holding the younger boy, kissing the top of his head. “I know I love you Nigel. I will never do anything on purpose to hurt you. I don't even care if all we ever do is cuddle and kiss."

After composing ourselves we went back to join the party. When we got back to the dining room it was nearly empty. I pulled out my phone and looked at the time. It was nearly 9:00pm.

Trevor's parents, my parents, and Mrs. Granger were sitting with George Miller when we approached. Nick looked at us and I think he almost cried. “You two do make a stunning couple...almost as good together as Bobby and I!"

“Daddy!" Trevor exclaimed.

“Don't worry, Son. We won't tell him you two are a cuter couple than he and I ever were." Bobby looked at Trevor and laughed.

“Mr. Miller. Thank you. For my new parents, and for helping me be together with Trevor." I said to him before giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

He smiled, but it looked like he had something caught in his throat. Finally, he said, “Roger. In my line of work I rarely get to be a part of something as special as these two cases have been. I am very happy it turned out as it did, but you need to thank your boyfriend. It was pretty much what he said and how he handled himself that got this done."

“Oh Mr. Miller...I plan to this weekend." I said then glanced over at Trevor who was blushing severely.

“Roger. It's getting late and you need to be ready to go to school with Trevor tomorrow. I think it's time we all said good night." Dad said to me.

“I want to thank each of you for making this happen. I know that if any of you weren't there to do what you did, Trevor and I would both still be orphans. You will all hold a very special place in my heart." I said.

“Mine too!" Trevor chimed in.

“Alex, Nigel, we need to be getting back. It's past your bedtime and you both have classes in the morning. Please don't make me sorry we came." Mrs. Granger said, even though she sounded stern, I knew better.

Hugs were passed between us all and the celebration came to a close.

*** ~~~ Trevor ~~~ ***

Today was the most awesome day in my life. Even better than the day I got adopted. It was such a surprise seeing Roger in the courtroom, then when the Judge told him he was adopted I was so happy! Dad had to hold me down or I would have run over to him!

The party was really cool too. I am glad Roger found the suit I bought him. I am so excited about us going to school tomorrow. Oh Shit! I bet he doesn't know what to wear!

Trevor: Hi there ;)

It took him a minute to respond, but when he did I could tell he was excited.

Roger: Hey! I'm glad you texted. What am I supposed to wear to school tomorrow?

Trevor: I figured you would be wondering, that's really why I texted. It's not like the orphanage, you gotta wear slacks and a button down shirt, but you don't need a tie.

Roger: You mean there isn't a uniform? I thought all those private schools had one.

Trevor: Daddy is thinking of doing that, but not yet.

Roger: Cool.

Roger: I miss you already.

Trevor: I miss you so much too. I guess I should get to bed, it's nearly 11.

Roger: Yeah, me too. Trevor? You know I love you, right?

Trevor: Babe, you couldn't love me as much as I love you! Good Night.

Roger: Night XOXO.

I stripped off my clothes, remembering to hang up my suit. I hopped into bed and I must have been really tired because the next thing I knew it was morning.

I woke up about an hour before I really needed to. I guess I was excited about Roger going to school with me. It was going to be cool in one way...Roger and me being able to be together without worry. But, it was also a bit scary to me and I was pretty sure it was more scary to Roger.

I went in and took a shower, deciding to get my day going. When I came out and was getting dressed I heard my phone chime telling me I had a text message...I fully expected it to be Roger but was really surprised when I saw it was from Eric.

Eric: You up yet?

Trevor: Yeah, just got out of the shower.

Eric: That is an image I didn't need in my head this morning ;)

Trevor: LOL! Dream on!

Eric: Yes, that's all I can do. You left pretty much in a hurry yesterday, everything okay?

Trevor: Yeah. Couldn't be better. Roger got adopted yesterday!

Eric: Oh wow! Cool! Is he going to be at school today?

Trevor: Yeah, I'm supposed to stop and pick him up when Daddy and I head there.

Eric: Great. I'll get things in motion when I get there.

Trevor: Get things in motion?

Eric: Don't'll both like it. Gotta go get myself ready. See you later!

Trevor: Um, I guess. See ya.

I wondered what Eric had planned, but, I wasn't worried. Eric had shown me in the past few days that he had the makings of a true friend. I am sure Roger will like him too.

I headed downstairs and Dad was in his usual place drinking coffee and reading his newspaper and Daddy was making breakfast. I wished them both “Good Morning."

Dad put his paper down and held his arms out for his morning hug and as he did that he kissed my forehead. Also as usual, I melted into his embrace.

Daddy came over and set my cup of 'Trevor Coffee' at my place then gave me a kiss on the cheek wishing me a good morning.

“How did you sleep last night, Trevor?" Daddy asked.

“Great! I am so excited about Roger going to school today! I got a text message from Eric Pressman this morning and he said he would get things in motion, whatever that means."

Dad had a look as if deep in thought before he said, “Did they do any sort of initiation to you when you first started there?"

“No, I don't remember anything other than the guys welcoming me."

He nodded and said, “It's probably some sort of initiation or welcome ritual. Typically those are pretty harmless. Just go with the flow and it should be okay."

“Ok, Dad. I will, and I'll tell Roger also."

We finished breakfast and, after giving Dad more kisses, Daddy and I got in the car and headed to pick up Roger for school. When we arrived he was waiting outside. He was wearing a powder blue long sleeve shirt, tan slacks, along with his Nike tennis shoes I'd bought for him. The minute I saw him I had to remember we were on our way to school or I'd have gotten more naughty thoughts than I already had!

He got into the back seat where I was sitting, and after saying 'Good Morning' to Daddy, leaned over and gave me a kiss and we held hands all the way to school. I told him that Eric had a surprise for us so just go with it. He had a little apprehensive look in his eye.

“Don't sweat it, Babe. Eric is good people, you'll like him. Did I tell you I had to let him know I already had a boyfriend because he was sorta attracted to me?"

“No, you did not!" He said, trying to make me think he was jealous…but I knew better.

I decided to play along…“Well, I have to have a backup in case you figure out I'm a bad boyfriend, don't I?"

“Trevor, I could never ever ever think you were a bad boyfriend. I love you so much, and I know you feel the same about me." He then pulled me into a hug and gave me a very passionate kiss that was only broken when Daddy faked a cough, then told us we were arriving.

Remember, this was the first time Roger had seen the school, I'd even forgotten to send him the pictures I'd taken, so you can imagine his reaction. When we entered, Eric was standing there wearing, of all things, a tuxedo.

“Mr. Headmaster, if it pleases you, may I take these two fine gentlemen with me?"

I think Daddy knew what was going to happen because he smiled and said, “Why, Mr. Pressman...You look wonderful. Yes, I do believe these two have (he looked at his watch) about 45 minutes until they...and you...are due in class. You have my permission."

Eric bowed, “Thank you, Sir." Then turning to Roger and I, “If you two gentlemen would please follow me."

He led us into the cafeteria where the first thing we saw was a huge banner that read, “Welcome to Wrigley Masters King and DuChamp."

Eric led us to a table that had fine linen on it and had us sit before turning to the 100 or so assembled boys and stating, “Gentlemen of the Wrigley Gay Student Alliance and guests: Please join me in welcoming two new gentlemen to our academy. Not only are they new students they are new GAY students, and are in a relationship! It is my great pleasure to introduce you to Master Trevor King and his boyfriend, Master Roger DuChamp!"

This was met by thunderous applause. The look on Roger's face was precious. He had blushed more than a few shades of red. This was accented by the chorus of voices chanting: “Kiss Him! Kiss Him! Kiss Him! Kiss Him!"

I turned to Roger and did just that which earned several wolf whistles and catcalls from the assembled students. We were instructed to sit as the group lined up and came to shake each of our hands and tell us their names.

After it was all over, Eric sat with us. “I hope you two weren't too embarrassed. Roger, I am Eric. Trevor has told me much about you, I hope we can be friends."

Roger decided to pull a prank of his own when he said, “I'm not sure, sir. I understand you made advances toward my man! Where I come from that should earn you a blackened eye!"

Eric's face drained of blood, “I...I...I didn't know he had a boyfriend! I swear it! If I'd known I would never have been so forward!"

Roger laughed and said, “I know, Eric, I was playing with you. If Trevor feels you are a good person and wants you to be his friend then that automatically makes you mine. I'm glad to meet you."

The relief on Eric's face was evident. “I must say, Roger, you got me good."

They shook hands then I asked, “Eric. Were all those boys gay? In the Gay Students group you talked about?"

“No, Trevor. That was about a third of the entire student body. The gay population is only about 25% or about 70 of us. This wasn't a Gay Students welcome, it was a Wrigley Academy welcome. I only mentioned that you were a gay couple to avoid what happened between you and I, I hope I didn't overstep."

“No, I told you we were going to be going to school as an openly gay couple, so you simply saved us from having to explain it several times more than we probably will. But, the chant of 'Kiss Him! Kiss Him!' That was started by the gay boys, right?"

“I was as surprised as you were. No, it wasn't any of our boys who started it. Do you remember the altercation that took place on your first day?"

“You mean Kevin?"

“The one and same. It was he who started the chant."

“Amazing. I hope he's changed. I don't want any trouble."

“Only time will tell. But, speaking of time, we have less than ten minutes to get to class."

Eric led us to the office where, as expected, Roger had the identical schedule to mine. Before leaving, Eric told us that at lunchtime there was going to be a meeting of the Gay Student's Alliance, and he would very much like us to attend. We agreed and headed to class.

[To Be Continued]