Edrich of Haluken

Chapter Fifteen

In the weeks that followed, the November harvest festival came and went. Winter began in earnest and though it was a mild winter by my standards there was still a lot of snow on the ground.

Edvard delivered us to school by sleigh and most of our transport was done the same way.

Mother loved the winter weather, even though it was technically autumn she enjoyed the snow and the way it rendered everything dreamlike.

I had to be especially watchful with Bolly and Ivy. They would play in the snow until they risked frostbite.

I set about making leathers for all my brothers. I had always been good with stitching leather and furs. I made each pair a size too large because Christmas was a few weeks away. Getting the hides I needed was simple enough, the harness maker had suitable hides and decent prices.

The suits turned out quite nice. I had to take over a disused storage room to work in private.

Christmas was a very happy day that year. Mother loved her kidskin shawl with the Sable fur collar. Rilla had carved figures for each of us. Mine was an owl. Olaf constructed a set of building blocks for all of us to use. Kiva drew each of us a portrait of ourselves. Bolly and Ivy could only draw pictures and give us love. They were sad because they couldn’t give gifts like ours.

Father liked the fur cap I made for him. And my brothers loved the leather suits. I had made a sable muff for Mother to warm her hands. It matched her sable hat.

Our baskets were full of dates, licorice, peppermints and other candies.

Ivy and Bolly each received stuffed animal dolls.

Yule wasn’t really about presents, but family and love. We sang and played just as our Viking ancestors had.

I rode to the palace to deliver Valla’s gift. It was a full length leather coat with sable collar and cuffs. She modeled it for me and Iris approved. I explained that I hadn’t bought it but crafted it with my own hands. Valla was overwhelmed and hugged me tightly.

After giving and receiving kisses I rode back to our home.

I considered the day a success and felt quite warm inside despite the temperature.

When I returned home I rounded up my brothers, got them dressed in their leathers and went out in the snow with them. Snow just slides off treated leather. Water will penetrate if submerged but just a splash will run off. We ran into other boys and threw snowballs and built snowmen like any child would. We just stayed warm doing it.

Ten days later I turned thirteen. Nyttarsåften was celebrated that night. In the clan tradition it was common to deliberately inebriate a new thirteen year old. Fortunately Father vetoed that idea when Olaf suggested it. The thirteenth year was the beginning of manhood with the forest people. But that was not the case with city people. I would have to wait until my sixteenth winter.

The palace set off cannons and there were fireworks being set off by the river.

Most people had some sort of feast on, with extended family and friends. Samilla, Edvard and Kristen joined us for the evening meal.  We all had a wonderful time singing and playing music.

We all drank a toast and shortly after that Ivy and Bolly needed their beds. Their wine had been watered down and mixed with fruit juice but it had been an active day for them. We put them to bed and changed our clothes to our night shirts.

The four of us engaged in some celebrations of our own and went to bed.

Rilla returned to my bed with a small jar of sheep butter or lanolin as some call it. He had been working up the courage to try out my kuck in his hole but that night he finally decided he would try. He sucked on me for a bit and then spread the sheep butter on my kuck. He backed up to me and guided me into him.

“Push in Peng, I can’t do it myself,” Rilla gasped as I pressed against the entrance.

I moved very slowly and inserted the tip inside him. The hard shaft came next and that took quite a while because I didn’t want to hurt him. It wasn’t as painful as he feared and he relaxed. I slowly pushed in until he felt something that made him shudder and jerk. I pulled back and did it again as his warm insides grasped my kuck. My kuck wasn’t giant by anybody’s standards, I was only slightly larger than other boys my age. Soon I was as deep as I could go and Rilla asked me to just stay like that for a while. Once he had absorbed the sensation he said I could move in the usual way.

I was very careful, I loved Rilla and didn’t want to hurt him. Soon he was pushing back into me and really enjoying the sensation I was giving him. Then he went rigid and I felt his kuck throbbed in my hand. His hole and insides contracted around my kuck as he pumped out everything he could into my hand. I had retrieved one of my bits of cloth for cleanup and allowed it to absorb his seed.

I asked him if I should finish inside or out and he was adamant about taking my seed in his hole.

“I began to move to please myself and I felt it building. I warned Rilla that I was close and he said he was too.

“When it happened I buried my kuck inside him and he began to throb and squirt again. It felt wonderful to expel my seed into him and completely exhaust myself.

Rilla filled my hand again and sighed contentedly.

I could feel that I was still hard and it wasn’t going to get soft anytime soon.

I slid out a bit and the went deep and Rilla purred at me. I reached for another cloth and wrapped it around Rilla’s sagging kuck, just in case. I began my motion once again. I thought I had already given him everything I had but it just got more intense with each stroke. I concentrated on how good it felt and how warm he felt inside. Soon I was feeling the trembles as it approached. Then it was upon me and I grunted loudly as I expelled whatever else I had to give. This had been exclusively for my pleasure although Rilla seemed to enjoy it even though he didn’t shoot his seed. He wasn’t even hard.

“Are you alright” I asked.

“Wonderful,” Rilla cooed up at me. I kissed his cheek as my wilting kuck plopped out of him with a wet noise.

“I feel so full in there, I think I need the toilet,” Rilla gasped.

I helped him up and followed him in so I could pee and wash my kuck.

I watched as he expelled my seed into the abyss and relaxed. I hauled him up and washed his bottom with a warm wet cloth. I used another cloth on myself and led Rilla back to my bed. I noticed the fire was low so I put on a log or two, covered Ivy and Bolly and climbed in with Rilla.

Kiva and Olaf were cuddled up under the blankets and looked quite happy.

I pulled Rilla tight and dreamt of Valla.

I woke with warm thoughts of the night before and also thoughts of Valla.

I enjoyed a breakfast with my family and dressed to visit Valla.

Rilla caught me alone and offered to relieve some of the tension I would be feeling or perhaps right then.

Halkar and Iris were recovering from the previous evening and were not in evidence.

The palace staff looked less bright and sharp than usual so I presumed a good evening was had by all. I was told that Valla was in her studio and I was allowed to find my own way.

Valla had several of her nude studies of me pinned to the wall. Her method was just like many of the greater painters. First draw and paint the figure nude. Then paint the clothing once the concept was clear.

She kissed me like I had been gone for years.

“Mother and Father are recovering upstairs, the servants at least most of them are quite inert so there will be no interruptions for the time being. Now, I have something to show you.

She led me to the only paneled section of wall in the studio. It had been painted white to reflect light as was the rest of the room. But to the right side Valla pointed to a carved rosette in the panel. She urged me to push it and when I did the entire panel floor to ceiling jumped out half an inch. It was an old internal stairwell that appeared to run from bottom to top of the place.

We lit two oil lamps and I satisfied myself that we could open the panel from the inside. Once I was certain of that we ascended the stairs holding our lamps. As we neared the top Valla giggled. I noticed fresh footprints in the dust and worked out that she had already been up the stairs several times.

We found ourselves in the attic space just under the roof. Down a shallow hallway I was led to a door. A small dormer room lay on the other side. An old bed and fresh bedding were set up under one of the two small round windows in the dormer.

“What was this used for?” I wondered aloud.

“I’m not sure. But I know what we’ll be using it for,” Valla grinned.

Even in the light coming through dirty windows she was beautiful. Her eyes sparkled and matched her grin.

How long have you been working on this room?” I asked.

“About a month, If I wasn’t studying I was in my studio but really I was up here building our love nest. I think it’s time I felt your Kuck inside me. Even if it is in my bottom. I have a friend to help with my quim.

She produced a decent facsimile of my kuck made from red modeling wax.

“The modeling wax is more flexible than candle wax. I put strings in the mould to make it stronger. I don’t want part of it breaking off in there,” Valla explained.

She was already tugging at knots and buttons to get her apron and then her simple woolen dress off. She wore nothing beneath it and I beheld her beauty. Her breasts though not large were perfectly formed and the two pert nipples looked inviting. Her hips swelled nicely and just above her quim a tiny patch of golden hair grew.

I began to undress but Valla took over. She carefully removed each item of clothing from my body. I was instructed to sit and she removed my boots and stockings. Then she pulled me up to remove my trousers. Once they were around my ankles she paused to lick and tease my hard kuck. I stepped out of my trousers  and hung them on one of the hooks in the room.

I took her in my arms and luxuriated in her soft flesh and warmth. Her smell was wonderful. The lavender water she wore mixed with her natural scent and drove me wild with desire. I truly wanted to pierce her quim with my kuck but regained control and just held her to me.

I want to feel you inside my quim, but my bottom will have to do for now. With your rival in my quim you can finally fill my bottom with that wonderful kuck.

Valla turned away and placed a kettle on the small hot stove. Heat from the rest of the house collected in the room so it was only cool without the stove. The stove made it comfortable.

Valla lay back on the bed and I began to lick her as intensely as I could manage. She handed me my wax rival and bade me slide it into her. She was already very wet and needed no help in accepting the wax phallus. She moaned as I licked her button and fingered her ass.

Her first orgasm was soon in arriving. She did her usual twitching and thrashing.

“Will you do something for me?” Valla asked.

“Anything my love,” I agreed.

“Pull the wax kuck out and put yours in and go in and out three or four times. You can do that without spraying your seed can’t you?” She pleaded.

I thought about it for a moment and agreed that I could manage that. As long as she didn’t wrap her legs around me.

She behaved so I entered her slowly.

Valla grunted and told me I was bigger than my rival.

I laughed and gave her the four strokes she asked for and four more for good measure. I wasn’t even close to release. I kept it inside her and flexed it a few times and withdrew.

Valla beamed up at me. She asked me to put the wax kuck back inside her and then told me to bring my kuck up where she could suck on it.

I placed the head of my kuck against her lips and they parted. She savored her own taste and sucked enthusiastically. She had me stroke in and out and often came up and met me as I thrusted in. After a few of those I was on the verge. I warned her out of politeness and then when I reached my peak she pulled off and stroked my kuck with her hand taking all my seed on her face. After I stopped squirting she took me back inside and sucked some more in case anything was left.

She was surprised when I kissed her seed covered lips and then even more so when I licked up a large dollop and stuck my tongue in her mouth. After a while I used a clean cloth to wash and wipe her face. I lay there and held her until she decided it was time to try something new. I was still reveling in the feeling of her quim on my kuck. If we could do that regularly it might make the next three years bearable. As long as we were careful.

“Are you ready to try filling my bottom?” Valla purred at me.

“I suppose, but I worry about hurting you,” I told her.

“We’ll go slow and I’ll tell you if it isn’t good,” Valla assured.

I opened the small jar of lotion, it was lanolin and oils and a tiny bit of natural flower scent.

I began probing her hole gently, first with one finger then with two. It went quite quickly and Valla seemed to like the process.

I slipped the wax rival into her quim sliding in and out a few times. She knelt on the bed as I approached from behind. I asked if she was ready and pushed in gently when she gave me the assurance that she was.

I went very slow, and paused occasionally so she could adjust. Once I was in as deep as I could go I flexed my kuck several times. I could feel my wax rival through the thin walls of flesh. I stayed deep and moved Waxy out and then in again. I was gentle because it didn’t flex like a real one. Valla moaned and cooed as I did my best to please her. I pulled out after a while and had her face me. I reentered her and licked her lovely breasts and nipples. She began to writhe and moan loudly. Her grunts and other noise got louder until I felt her entire body shudder and twitch. Her hole closed tightly around my kuck. I ground into her and released my seed in a torrent. It felt like a river escaping me but then it subsided and Valla’s twitches and tremors began to lessen.

We lay there holding each other and listening to our hearts return to a normal beat.

“Is there a chamber pot in here?” I asked.

“Of course silly, it’s behind the screen if you need it,” Valla giggled.

“You will need it too, once I withdraw your body will be fighting to get rid of my seed. But I will go and empty my bladder and then you will be ready to go in a few minutes,” I promised her.

She didn’t believe me at first, I pulled out and removed my rival. She had another small tremor and lay back.

I had my piss and returned to the bed. I helped Valla sit and then stand. Then she realized I was right and quickly walked to the screen. I watched her expel my seed with a bit of air.

“I washed my Kuck with one cloth and warm water from the kettle.

I handed Valla a clean cloth to clean herself and then she used the same one I had used to dry my kuck.

“Do you think you could get hard again if I sucked you?” Valla asked.

“Most likely, why?” I replied.

“I want to feel it inside me again, in my quim, as many as you can without loosing your seed in me and then you can finish me with your tongue and Waxy,”

I squeezed my kuck to see if there was any seed left inside but nothing, not even a drop of piss showed up.

“As long as you understand that I will pull out at the first tingle I feel then yes, we can do that.

I knelt on the floor and licked her quim and her button. I was sure it had a proper name but who could I ask. Valla began to pant and I stood. I pressed my kuck against the opening of her quim and it slid in easily.

It was an exquisite sensation, I plunged in and repeated several times, after a few minutes I felt the first signs of an orgasm rising in my groin. I pushed in deep, ground against her and pulled out. I quickly replaced my kuck with Waxy and watched as Valla rubbed her own button until she collapsed in a twitching heap on the bed.

“I thought I was supposed to lick you until you finished,” I grinned.

“I know but it just needed more direct force this time. You got me so close with your kuck I was ready to burst. And now you look ready to burst too,” Valla grinned.

She leant forward and sucked me in and I stroked in and out of her mouth for a while. She stopped to tell me she thought she tasted pretty good. She was going to suck me in again when I seized my kuck and stroked it with my hand. I was close and I didn’t want to dally.

I aimed at her lovely face and let loose. She opened her mouth to catch what she could but ended up wearing a lot of it. She leant forward and sucked a bit more making sure there was nothing left.

We cleaned up and dressed, we had been on our own for a couple hours. We presumed that someone would come looking at some point.

Valla put a towel over the chamber pot and I took it from her. I would carry it and she could hold the lantern.

She traded out the chamber pots and put the empty one in the stairwell. I discovered I needed a toilet and took the soiled chamber pot with me and washed it once I was done. When I brought it back Lady Iris and Valla were chatting about her study of my body on the wall.

“Peng, would you consider posing for Valla in just your drawers, I know it’s a lot to ask, but she needs a proper model to perfect her anatomical drawing,” Iris asked.

“If she wants I will pose nude, one of the advantages of being forest clan is a lack of shyness. Some of the chores we do are better done naked to save our garments,” I explained.

“Oh yes, it’s a very practical approach to messy jobs. I trust you won’t object to a chaperone,” Iris smiled.

“Of course not my Lady, I might need help resisting her advances,” I chuckled.

“Hmmph! Boys!” Valla grumped in good humor.

Iris chuckled and I prepared to return home. She left us alone to say goodbye and I kissed Valla intensely and caressed her entire body. Finally I tore myself away and wondered how long I could hold out against her charm.

My ride home was without incident. That was fortunate because I was preoccupied with Valla and her voluptuous nature and the raw sexual urge that she provoked in me.

I undressed and I was looking for casual trousers to wear for the rest of the day.

Mama say’s I need a bath, will you come with me?” Bolly asked.

“Well you are a bit ripe, what have you been doing?” I asked.

“I was visiting the horses and I slipped and fell. I cleaned up outside but the water was so cold I could only do a little,” Bolly sighed.

“Well, you like a nice hot bath so I will be happy to join you, I could use a splash myself,” I agreed.

Bolly was naked in a flash and since I hadn’t put on my fresh trousers it didn’t take me long to reach the same state.

“Do you want your own tub or will you join me?” I asked.

“Am I too old to share with you?” Bolly asked.

“I don’t think so, you’re my brother. If I can’t cuddle you in the tub who can?” I reasoned.

Bolly beamed at me and we filled the tub and adjusted the temperature.

I washed Bolly’s hair and rinsed it with the wooden bowl. With soap and a flannel I washed his neck and shoulders and worked my way down his back. Then turned him around to wash his belly. His not so little kuck was quite hard and I washed it for him and had him sit and rinse off. Then I had him stand and washed his legs and feet and finally his bottom. I tossed the flannel in a bucket next to the tub. Bolly hadn’t sat down and his kuck was standing proud demanding recognition.

I took him in my mouth, he did most of his playing like this with Ivy. I had seen them doing it. Ivy couldn’t quite get all of Bolly in his mouth so I gave him the royal treatment.

I sucked his kuck and used my tongue vigorously while I probed his little hole in back. After a few minutes he was standing on his toes and then he exploded in trembling shudders. I felt his kuck throbbing in my mouth and then a squirt and two more. It was the sweet clear fluid that presaged the coming of manhood. I showed Bolly the small pool of clear fluid on my tongue.

“Are you mad that I did that in your mouth?” Bolly asked.

“No, you’ve swallowed mine before. I’m proud to have been one of the first to receive your gift,”

Bolly went to his knees and wrapped his arms around my neck. I held him as he absorbed the affection.

Rilla walked in to pee and Bolly covered up his wilting kuck.

“It’s just Rilla, you don’t need to be shy in front of him. He’ll want a taste of you soon too,” I explained.

“Rilla, Bolly just squirted his seed in my mouth. It’s still the clear stuff but it’s only a few months off for the real stuff,” I shared.

“Oh boy, it’s a lot more fun to suck someone who can squirt seed. It tells you you’re doing a good job,” Rilla told Bolly.

“Have you looked at his kuck lately, it’s a lot bigger than when we first all played together,” I said.

“Do you really think so?” Bolly asked.

“Yes, I haven’t been paying attention like I should,” Rilla replied.

“Would you mind getting us another bucket of hot water, I still need to wash and this is cooling off,” I requested.

Rilla drew another bucket from the boiler and I warmed up the water a bit. Rilla excused himself and Bolly washed my hair and the rest of me. He and Ivy washed each other all the time but this was a big brother he was washing. The only difference was that I wasn’t hard when he finished. He seemed disappointed so I thought about my time with Valla and Bolly had something he could work with.

He was able to accommodate more of me in his mouth but not all of it. Not surprising considering our age differences.

I thought of Valla and her breasts and the way her quim felt around my kuck I warned Bolly that I would shoot off soon but he kept going. He caught almost every drop when it happened and swallowed greedily. I was drying off when Rilla returned in just his drawers.

“I don’t need a bath, I took one this morning, but getting my kuck sucked would be nice,” he smiled.

Bolly grinned and I nodded at him. I watched as he took care of Rilla and I helped by getting behind Rilla and rubbing his nipples and balls. I watched closely and when Rilla stood on tip toe I stuck a thumb in his hole and he filled Bolly’s mouth.

Bolly glowed with pride, he had swallowed everything either of us had to give and it made him feel like a big man. But he said he needed to lay down for a bit so I told him to do that and I’d tidy up the bath.

I opened the drain, rinsed out the tub with a bucket of hot water and put everything back where it belonged.

“When do you think you could put it in my butt again?” Rilla asked.

“Not right away, Valla was in need of comfort today so I’m surprised I had anything left for Bolly. Let’s get dressed and I’ll tell you all about it.

We dressed and walked the grounds, Olaf and Kiva were nowhere to be found. Kiva was coming into his own as a thinker and he and Olaf really worked well together.

Our school work was doing us all a lot of good and Father’s after hours training was really getting results. I was able to help Olaf simplify his steam pump. He and Kiva were good at the theoretical end of things but I could actually build something useful with their designs.

Father introduced us to gear reduction using wooden sprockets and gears.

I started working out right angle drives with brass and then iron gearing. It was just an exercise in converting theory to practical use.

But try as I might I couldn’t make a durable circular sawblade for my lumber mill. It was down to metallurgy and that was a science I had no experience with.

One evening at dinner I was having difficulty getting comfortable in my chair. It was painful to sit. I was able to eat and then excused myself for a bath.

I bathed by myself for once and I was just drying off when Kiva came in.

“You have a huge boil on your bottom, would you like me to burst it for you?”
“No Kiva, thanks but a boil should be treated first and then opened and drained. I’ll ask Father to help.

Father came in right behind Kiva and had a look at my bottom.

“Put on a night shirt and come to our bed chamber son. I’ll sterilize a lancet,” Papa said.

When I arrived with my healing kit Mother was sitting in a chair across from father.

Papa asked me to remove my nightshirt and bend over so he could inspect the boil and the skin surrounding it. That meant facing Mama naked.

I shrugged my shoulders, and did as he asked.

“I don’t want to embarrass you Peng but that looks very healthy. I haven’t seen it since you were stabbed. It’s grown a bit since then. Valla is a lucky girl,” Momma smiled.

Now Peng, find whatever you need me to apply after I open this, then lay across my legs and I’ll get to work.

I pulled out the poultice and ointment I would need applied and the fruit gum that would hold the plaster in place over it.

Father had a small clear glass of Akvavit. It was 100 proof and very strong. It made a good disinfectant.

I lay across his legs and he took a small strip of cloth and dipped it in the akvavit and swabbed the boil and the area around it. It was incredibly cold as the alcohol evaporated.

“Relax Peng, I’m going to open this thing up and get it cleaned out. You must have gotten a tiny bit of grit in a pore and it became infected. As you know there’s always the worry of blood poisoning with these things. I think we caught it early enough and you haven’t squeezed it. That can distribute the infection deeper in the skin,” Father explained calmly as he worked. It didn’t hurt as much as I expected when he picked it open with the lancet . But the next swab of akvavit felt like a burning arrow in my hip.

“Yes that’s it, there was a core and there’s something in the middle of that which caused it to become inflamed. Nothing but clean blood coming out now. One more swab and I’ll put on the poultice and seal it.

The alcohol burned like fire but it was short lived pain. Papa applied the poultice and then the gum and bandage. By the time he was done it didn’t hurt at all.

Papa held up my nightshirt and I bent to let him slide it on. When it slid down my body it hung up on my now very erect kuck. Father smiled in admiration and pulled the nightshirt out and down to cover me. I knew stress could cause erections, I had just never experienced it before. I could deal with Mama seeing me naked but not with an erection, no matter what the cause.

Papa patted my bottom on the side away from the sore spot and I thanked him for his help and kissed Mama goodnight.

“Are you okay?” Rilla asked.

“Mama saw me naked, she looked right at my kuck and said it was nice. It was so embarrassing,” I complained.

“Why? You’ve got a very nice body and your kuck is really nice looking too. She’s seen all of the rest of us naked, what’s so special about you?”

“I know, I shouldn’t let it bother me but it does for some reason. She also said Valla was a lucky girl after she saw it. I love Mama but I’m not ready to discuss my sex life with her,” I sighed.

“Oh, I get it. Everybody gets embarrassed sometimes, don’t let it bother you. I was really embarrassed when I was so sick she had to wipe my bottom for me like a baby. But I realize she did it because she loves me. She’d do the same for any one of us. I’m pretty sure she’s seen a kuck before. Papa’s is a lot bigger than yours. She was probably just trying to make you more comfortable in an awkward situation,” Rilla prodded.

“Have you ever seen Papa’s when it was hard?” I asked.

“No, have you?” Rilla asked.

“Yes, when we were at the inn in Haluken. It was early in the morning and he needed to pee. It’s really massive,” I told Rilla.

Rilla giggled and asked if my butt felt better.

I crawled into my bed and Rilla joined me. The others came in later and I barely noticed.